
Lews Therin is the Dragon Reborn though. Let me remind you

Book adaptations are such a gamble for the readers... on the dark side we have abominations like “The Seeker” and then we have absolute gems like “The Expanse”.

For a headline that attempts to make a bold statement of fact I was a little disappointed to see the only actual evidence being a single study for a single group of immunocompromised people.

The one question I’m left with regarding this study is... why was it even done?

As someone who has telecommuted since the early 2000s, every day is a work from home day for me. And... I’m rather confused by his logic. Average out 252 work days per year and this guy is arguing that I, because I don’t drive to my office, should pay $2,520 to the State for that privilege?

My husband and I watched the episode last night and watched Baby Yoda snacking with a mix of amusement and horror.

I will take my representation wherever I can find it.

The numbers here are truly staggering. 40,000 covid-19 tests, millions of extra dollars to ensure health safety and to isolate the cast and crew, all to keep shooting a movie about dinosaurs during a pandemic.

If your jerk neighbor resides in the United States there is a good chance you’re part of an HoA. You can probably be 100 times more evil just reviewing your HoA guidelines and reporting them for every tiny infraction.

And of course it’s important to reinforce that Amazon will only know about your Swiss roll stress-eating if you opt to share that receipt with them.

Perhaps its the raging cynic in me... but I find this rather refreshing.

Going in to Lovecraft Country I didn’t really have many expectations. I know of HP Lovecraft’s general mythos but I’m not intimately familiar with it. To say the first few episodes were a shock is... putting it mildly.

Terms do matter. We can agree with them or argue they are condoning but they do represent a legal agreement between two parties.

In the post to which you are replying I have outlined exactly how WordPress fell afoul of the in-app purchase rule so I’m not entirely sure why you’re bringing that up.

This is the discussion that should be happening.

I thought this was already signed and sealed back when they first announced that Penny Dreadful was coming back for one more season? Not that I’d mind even more Penny Dreadful but y’know...

We hope that Apple will also make these options equally available to all iOS developers

Developers aren’t forced to host their apps in Google’s Play Store like they are with Apple. There are other Android app stores.