
The one question I’m left with regarding this study is... why was it even done?

I will take my representation wherever I can find it.

If your jerk neighbor resides in the United States there is a good chance you’re part of an HoA. You can probably be 100 times more evil just reviewing your HoA guidelines and reporting them for every tiny infraction.

Going in to Lovecraft Country I didn’t really have many expectations. I know of HP Lovecraft’s general mythos but I’m not intimately familiar with it. To say the first few episodes were a shock is... putting it mildly.

This is the discussion that should be happening.

I made it 7 minutes in before I had to pause and encourage all my friends to struggle their way through the shit-show. For the most part it was just classic Trump...spew nonsense and half-truths that make for good chyron bit.

I was having a discussion with a friend on Facebook today that sort of overlaps this... we’re seeing seemingly contradictory news related to COVID-19 all the time, like WHO saying that asymptomatic transmission is ‘very rare’ and then another announcement suggesting that it is very common and very dangerous.

My only criticism of the dance sequence is that the actual event (not the practice) is just so god-damned visually captivating that I found it very difficult to pay attention to actually making Cloud perform his little boy band routine.

It’s particularly awful on the AppleTV. I’m not sure if the issue lies with the devices caching or how Netflix has coded their app (or perhaps both) but basically the longer you spend searching for something to watch the more sluggish the interface becomes as it loads more and more of those damned previews.

Is 76 really that broken?

So vaseline isn’t a moisturizer... your skin can’t really absorb petroleum jelly well so once it’s on it’s just there. Gooey and goopy. It will prevent moisture loss but it won’t hydrate your skin.

So vaseline isn’t a moisturizer... your skin can’t really absorb petroleum jelly well so once it’s on it’s just

I don’t understand how anyone could realistically argue that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation isn’t deeply rooted in the perception of gender identity.

Not a lot of time for binging but I’ll catch a TV show before bed sometimes. Usually Family Guy or Rick and Morty is on as I’m drifting off.

That’s what I keep telling myself too. Except comfy chairs and donuts.

But.... You also have to be motivated enough to work out in your house instead of staying in bed longer.

I’ve found that pointing out yearly subscription costs is a great way to dissuade those who tend to frame things in “It’s only $X a month!”.

Oh you sweet summer child...

Makes sense that Blizzard wouldn’t re-introduce more work for themselves. And hey, there’s always the 7 hours of trying to kill Core Hounds to make a person remember the things they really, really, really hated about vanilla World of Warcraft.

I let my WoW sub expire over a year ago so I’m not in the loop but... does WoW Classic also bring a return to the 8+ hour maintenance window or does it get to benefit from all the server and database improvements made over 15 years?

I get what I’m supposed to think: Evil Billionaire Responsible for Death of Journalism. But I’m not sure how I’m supposed to connect those dots...