
I’m not sure religion is the answer to “How to stop violence”. And let’s be clear here, when this guy says ‘faith’ or ‘religion’ what he really means is Christianity, with an additional caveat that anything else is wrong.

I’m not sure religion is the answer to “How to stop violence”. And let’s be clear here, when this guy says ‘faith’ or ‘religion’ what he really means is Christianity, with an additional caveat that anything else is wrong.

You think you want it, but you don’t.

I mean given Monopoly’s history this fits right in. Just the highlights but:

It all boils down to stigma and costs. Those are the two biggest hurdles for getting someone the mental health treatment they may desperately need. We need to stop treating someone seeing a therapist as ‘damaged’ or ‘broken’.

Without question.  People are terrible enough at driving; they don’t need any distractions to make them even more dangerous.

You guys are defending him based on some assumption that he knows exactly where to park to interact with the gym? How do you think he figured out where to stop?

Your response to the original poster:

I’m arguing that your outrage is based entirely on a misunderstanding of how the game works. That in order to engage in the action he was taking his car had to be fully stopped.

That isn’t the case here.

I support Trump

You can thank CNN, MSNBC, Faux News, and all the rest of corporate media for that. For normalizing all Trump’s bullshit instead of calling it out and then viewing Trump as legitimate candidate after that. When what they should have been doing is saving democracy by express outrage at everything he said and did.

A surprise to no one...

Couldn’t an argument be made that this constitutes fraud?

Oh the API was abandoned long before Microsoft bought it.

I’m old enough to remember when Mojang promised a proper API for developing mods and never delivered.

‘Try on a hijab’ sounds like a great way to dispel the myth that the hijab exists solely as a symbol of oppression.

Okay let’s take a moment and consider Hannity’s argument. Essentially his argument is that the message that is trying to be conveyed is that Trump and his supporters are ideologically opposed to the positions held by members like Ilhan Omar.

I look forward to seeing all the Blue Lives Matter proponents stand in solidatory with Officer Gaston. Perhaps they will come to the realization that they are by extension supporting Black Lives Matter, and through that realize that the aforementioned movement seeks to highlight the disparity of how persons of color