
It really suits her too. I suspect Disney made Ariel a redhead because the hair would pop against the green and blue backgrounds of the ocean. Red hair looks nice with seafoam green

I think that regular news should do something similar. Rather than, “Trump: Mueller terminated the emails,” it should be “(False Statement) Trump: Mueller terminated the emails.” Say that it’s false or misleading, but then report on it.

just remember, beth - with a great puppy, comes a great amount of responsibility.

I agree 100%. I just think your hopes are misplaced, especially with the writer of this piece.

At that point it’s no longer ‘news’ so much as an ‘opinion piece.’

It’s fair to critique GRRM for writing long, ponderous books, but he’s certainly not guilty of Jordan’s crime of spending sentence after sentence, even paragraph after paragraph, describing things that have no consequence to the characters, don’t really tell you anything about the world, and aren’t even interesting or

“Don’t ever apologize for speaking the truth. You don’t need to caviat your opinion to make it more valid.”

I totally understand where you are coming from, and it’s valid thought.

A lot of those GOP Senators are up for re-election next year, so perhaps applying a little pressure to them might be worth the effort. I mostly agree with you, but the Senate picture for 2020 might provide an alternate path. Any remaining blue- or purple-state Republicans will really need to think carefully about

The problem with iTunes is more that it’s trying to do too many things. Splitting up the Music, TV and Podcasts into separate apps would ostensibly help make the program stronger.

Your lucky. Even vast regions within the city of Chicago are served by a single provider, and those that are not are the wealthy, white Northside neighborhoods. I pay double what you do for the same service, and Comcast doesn’t offer any better deals since there is no competition in this part of the city.

What we really need is a report that shows how many Americans have access to 25Mb+ service from more than one provider, excluding high latency and low data cap services such as Satellite and Cell.

You could do a page out of a standardized test sheet, like the PSATs or something.  The LSATs have logic games that might be a bit advanced but are more interesting than sat problems.

Representative Ocasio-Cortez makes it easy to love her in a lot of ways. Her fire, passion, and commitment to do the job she was elected to dorather than just focusing on getting reelected from the first day of her term—are a refreshing set of changes from the daily grind of political prevarication and mealy-mouthed

Kinja’s from/to labeling is misleading. The authors here could not care less. One recent article forgot a couple of instances of the word “not” so that whole sentences said the exact opposite of the truth. Oops! Commenters pointed it out, but the article was never corrected. A couple of months ago, Jezebel’s straight

As a Bernie supporter that voted for him in the primaries in 2016:

Agreed that Supergirl’s characterizations tend to be ignored in the interests of plot. One bit of character development for Kara that I did quite like, though, was the early Mon-El interactions. I thought it was really interesting how bringing him in forced Kara to confront some not-great stuff about herself: she

If Republicans were serious about addressing illegal immigration, which they are not, they would spend more time punishing businesses that hire illegal immigrants. 70% of illegal immigrants have jobs. Vast majority of immigrants are motivated by economic reasons to come to the US. If businesses were heavily fined and

I don't understand why it was EVER ok for taxpayers' money to be used for this.

Yeah, I haven’t seen this view a lot, in this thread at least, but it was mine too. I think these series/The Defenders were always seen internally kind of as a test run/project of sorts, the success of which was reliant on: