
Trump, Fox News, conservative talk radio, and the modern Republican party are fucking bloodhounds. The House Majority Leader is trying to derail the Mueller investigation using a couple of text messages from FBI agents as pretext. They spent 8 years eviscerating Obama and Hillary Clinton over the most minor of issues.

Well said. Actually, I’m astonished the show’s managed to go on this long being as it’s completely untethered from reality. You’ve probably noticed that the characters basically never interact with anyone in the outside world, right? Even the most grounded scenes of the show take place in a universe that doesn’t seem

Hannibal did over do it in places. Although unlike Legion, it was fairly good about switching to a cogent narrative style for lengthy periods of time. It gave its audience a chance to breathe. Legion is relentless. It’s been a two year acid-trip, and it’s getting worse by the minute.

I enjoyed Hannibal, but I like Legion more. Hannibal reveled in visual spectacle as well, and though it didn’t exhaust me, it did get a little one note. It reused the same musical cues and editing styles, and had more of a formula to its flourishes.

I like Legion precisely because it is self indulgent. There are 500 TV shows, and many are truly great, but somehow they all seem to have the same beats. Legion and Atlanta are in the short list of shows that don’t.

What if Batman sounded just like Grover from Sesame Street? I’d watch that shit!

*Deep, gravelly voice*

You could print Sarah McLachlan’s face on said cake....

This exactly. I clicked because I love the show and thought Amazon was actually somewhat pissed about picking it up? I thought, “why would they be annoyed? They seemed pretty enthusiastic about it. Let’s click to see if any new info has come up...”

A new car would really annoy me right now.

$500???? Must be nice. I’ll take everything >= 1¢

Right. Like at the same time Gamorra could have just told Thanos to get fucked with a banana and let her sister die and he never would have gotten the soul stone. But she caved, and Thanos wiped out half the universe as a consequence.

“Rumlow said ‘Bucky,’ and all of a sudden I was a sixteen-year-old kid in Brooklyn again.”

As many have pointed out before too, Starlord’s freak out is basically the exact same thing Tony did at the end of Civil War. It’s a pretty big moment if you ask me.

Unfortunately the Savior storyline took Maggie down a similar path. Honestly... the only way her character transformation could be more “good person abandons hope, embraces darkness” would be if they included a scene where she cut her hair, dyed it black, and put on heavy mascara because hey; Good Girl Gone Goth.


Why did the beeper look like it was built in the real world of the Matrix?

I think i ask this on every password manager article, but it hasn’t been answered, what happens when your password manager account is hacked?

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