
Your honor, I object on grounds of sploosh.

It never really followed the comic. Liv’s character was named Gwen Dylan, she was a zombie gravedigger by occupation (where she got her brains), she had a ghost for a roommate, a best friend (Scott, aka “Spot”) who was a Were-Terrier, etc. The comic was more like Being Human with typical Mike Allred touches. It’s a

This. I uninstalled Destiny 2 over a month ago and hadn’t played it since November, but when I read “The Most Hated Strike in Destiny 2,” I immediately thought of that fateful week when this was the Nightfall Strike and wished I could uninstall the game AGAIN.

Agents of SHIELD’s Final Season Won’t Air Until Next Summer, But There May Be a Great Reason for That

In a similar vein, this season’s episode “The Box” where Jake and Captain Holt interrogate the dentist who may have murdered his business partner. I found to be absolutely riveting, including a stunning performance with the dentist, vastly more dramatically successful than most interrogations on actual cop shows, with

At this point maybe they can pull a shocker and have Adam Strange as a jealous wanna be hero trying to erase Superman by altering the timeline.

Those Brainiac tech discs must be something because you are right, Raoniac should be immolated. I’m guessing the big green face that is actually impressive is too much budget

That scene made me cringe so much. Drax was an embarrassment in this film.

Have you ever actually seen Michelangelo’s David? This thing is a slimy speck of turd compared to David. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a pretty okay sculpture of Marvel Comics’ Venom character, but holy shit is David a wonder to behold, plus it was carved from a single 18 foot tall piece of marble. This thing doesn’t even

Tell ya what, when he carves one from marble I’ll compare it to Michelangelo’s David.

Tony “I’ve made a huge mistake” Stark

Which makes the fact that is was Tony trying to talk him down even more brilliant. He’d been in exactly the same situation before.

Also people give Quill a lot of flak when Tony did basically the same fucking thing in Civil War after finding out Bucky (under Nazi brainwashing) killed his mom. He sat there, thought about it, and then punched the crap out of Bucky and started a fight with his best friend while the villain got away. Sure, half the

A NOAA bar chart (‘86-’15 data):

Peter Quill is the worst character in the MCU because he reacts naturally and emotionally when he learns that Thanos killed Gamora? Doesn’t that make him a well-written character?

They’ve even ran into legal trouble in the UK with intellectual property infringement. It’s a company I wouldn’t want to get involved with.

I know it’s going to take a few more passes through the render machine to feel right, but those eye whites just look wrong. Like vilynil seat covers or something. And yes, squishy teeth.

Fair enough. I guess our original discussion has been hijacked by others, and I assumed you were in agreement with them. That is my fault, and I apologize for continuing this madness. The community on this website has really raised my suspicions about people, but I should be able to tell the difference between a

Agents of Shield uses a few effects from Doctor Strange - specifically, the portals, spells and the mirror-world effect.

Fiat currencies are backed by the strength and credit of its backing nation; it may be abstract, but it’s not “nothing.” Even gold, which is often held up as an ideal by those against modern currencies, is equally an abstract—if the apocalypse comes and the entire global economy shutters, even gold won’t stop you from

Losing the core team a piece at a team was killing the cohesiveness of the story. Still not sure what was up with 1 being written off but then we lost 4 to his empire which I liked but thought at some point he should have ended up back on the ship and then we lose 6(maybe/probably) at series end.

That’s a big core