
Yeah, I found Klaue super boring, and especially irritating because it felt like Andy Serkis was trying too hard. So many other characters I would have rather seen more of.

The movie was not as groundbreaking theatrically as I had hoped (NOT discounting the social groundbreaking the blackness of the film DID accomplish!), but my goodness Shuri was the greatest thing ever put on film! I couldn’t look at her without feeling sheer excitement!

THIS. The goal of design shouldn’t be to make something that’s aesthetically perfect; it should be to make human-centered objects/tech that make our lives easier. If people are constantly running into the glass to the point that they need to put post-its on the wall to help them and then you REMOVE those post-its

Except in the first episode Kayaba changed all the avatars to look like the players’ real faces.Everyone’s hair matches how they look irl. 

I agree its too much. What I could do with is a short mini-series that fits in the winter break (similar to what Agent Carter did when Shield went on break).

In Marvel’s unneeded defense ( I mostly agree with your opinion) at least their choices are offered across multiple mediums.

In Marvel’s offense, Agent Carter was the one show of theirs that I really liked.

I think this is good advice with every game, one of the first things I always do when starting a new game is check out the options menu.

“Would you rather the mouth look awful but match the words, or look ‘slightly less awful’ but not match the words at all?”

Regarding combat animations. In a perfect world they would have created a wide range of alternate animations of fails and fumbles that would maintain immersion taking into account all the possible ways that a creature could move away and you could miss.

Weapons auto-sheathing after a certain amount of time when you’re “out of combat” has frustrated me more than once. I didn’t think it would notice it but give how long draw/sheath animations can be for weapons, it’s been annoying.

Geez, I don’t even know where a sequel would go. Get Out had a clear message and hit all the required beats, and as such worked perfectly as a self-contained story. I’m not sure what a follow-up would be able to touch upon that wasn’t addressed already.

FYI this is not me giving up, just need to rant.

Sending a couple dozen people thousands of miles away. Shipping all their equipment. Getting any permits or what not with the local area and fees to put everything on hold in that area while you’re filming. Hotel and food for all those people etc etc...It gets pricey, pretty fast.

Umm. if you receive $1000+ cash gifts as a teenager, I am very comfortable saying you lived a privileged life.

If I had 1,000,000 in cash and 20,000,000 in cheap loans from my dad’s business connections back in the 70’s and was lucky enough to invest that money in NYC real estate I’d be as rich as trump today too.

It’s a resource not available to over half the population of the planet, so while that’s not a good comparison, it’s still not a universal thing to be handed a thousand dollars and change.

But that’s the thing, if Dumbledore and Grindewald’s previous relationship is never acknowledged, it makes his hunt to capture Grindewald so much less interesting....because Dumbledore’s feelings, and his own view of his failings, are why he is so invested in stopping Grindewald.

I can’t imagine a movie that was about a man fighting his evil ex girlfriend and never having their relationship come up.

The reason to explore Dumbledore’s sexuality in this is the core of this story revolves around the nature of his former lover and how he had to come to terms that he was bringing to justice someone he loved. We don’t need explicit sex scenes but an acknowledgement of the romantic love they had would be key. This isn’t

Ben out of drag is giving us Jughead realness and my crush on him in boy mode increased like, tenfold.