
A person is sitting naked in a bathtub, soap on their body as water pours out of the shower. They are curled in a fetal position and their body is wracked by sobs.

You could go so far as to replace the soap in example b above with some kind of irritant? Or something that ostensibly would clean but not in a way that is pleasant or desirable - like rubbing alcohol or 409.

(They’ve already ‘milked’ two seasons out of it)

That’s a big one in cohabitation scenarios (married, roommates, etc.). Whoever has been home often immediately starts talking to the more late arriver who doesn’t have time to “reset.” This was something that my wife and I had to deal with. As you mentioned, communication is the solution.

Two weeks ago.

That’s the nice thing about grandkids. You think, “Oh, wait. I remember this part.” And, hopefully, you do it better the second time around. Or at least you fuck them up in a different way than you did their parents.

well said. I’m Indian and there are swastika symbols everywhere in India on Hindu and Buddhist temples, it has nothing to do with Nazism or Hitler. Also, the swastika (by a different name) is also an ancient symbol in Native American cultures (particularly Southwest). I don’t know what Native folks call it, though.

I don’t even LIKE FWC, and I want to hear more of Lakshmi-2. I miss the days of collecting random tech from the moth yard at her request.

The term “Swastika” comes from Sanskrit, and means auspicious. It’s not invented by the Nazis. It’s not even German.

There really should be some kind of educational move to teach westerners about swastikas in a much larger context. As much as we like to play dumb, most of our stupidity is farce that lets us get away with being culturally-illiterate-but-lovable.

This would also kill two birds with one stone and eradicate the need for

Second that about Lakshmi, she’s my absolute fav. Her voice is all butter and cigarettes.

Well needing to educate the public, it’s often best to start from the bottom. Which is BK. Sigh...

I don’t like burger king...


As a hiring manager, I/my company would never touch #8 due to security concerns. Most modern corporations (especially those who work within Government space) have extensive rules related to using outside media. If some prospect came in with a flash drive and a smile—I don’t see potential—I see a security threat.

I do

I will almost guarantee a lot of businesses will not accept this due to risk of it containing malicious items and possibly infecting their network.

Even if your happily employed, USB sticks can make for effective networking tools. If you buy up enough cheap USB drives, and load them up with your contact details and portfolio, then you can give them out at events like business cards. 

If I get a resume on a flash drive I will throw it away. Security is a huge concern and if you think a flash drive will get my attention then you are wrong. Doesn’t matter if I trust you or not.

Most of these are great ideas, but I have to ask- are there people out there who will stick a USB drive into their machine that they got from someone they don’t know very well? Because I would never do that from a security standpoint, which makes me wonder about the resume/business card idea.

The whole networking idea... If some one that I didn’t really know gave me a USB drive It would go in the trash. An uncle gave me a USB of old pictures of my wife over the holidays. I emailed him later and asked him to put them on dropbox. I do not trust his computer, so I do not trust that USB drive.