
This is not particularly groundbreaking for web-only content. It’s literally the model for most webcomics, for example. Some people just want to read it in a book, or have a physical object, or not have to log into Pottermore.

That all sounds cool in a way I can’t imagine turning into a coherent, 2 hour film.

His job is to play the Flash and to promote the movie positively, no matter how bad the criticism for past (or current) films may be.

Every single (four) page(s)? That’s a lot of (four) pages! Who has time to solve all those (four) puzzles?!?

Heck, I'd argue that Ultron's biggest problem was that it was too much like a DC movie, as in it was bloated with tie-ins to future releases and didn't spend enough time on a compelling, contained story.

A disappointing DC movie?

The soft tools are all you need to prevent things from building up that require metal tools to remove.

that’s creating a potential accident

Shitty story that makes no fucking sense? Incredibly poor acting? Zero chemistry between any and all of the actors? Crap direction? Yes, the movie sucked exactly because of the reasons I thought.

Yep, I turned in my dissertation about a month ago, and they sent it back to me bc it didn’t meet the formatting guidelines—I was missing the The. Thankfully, I’d turned it in early and had time to fix it. I can’t even imagine my rage levels if they didn’t let me graduate because of a missing The!

I’m a graduate of The Pennsylvania State University and it’s on all of the official documents, but I have yet to meet somebody who cared that it gets shortened to “Penn State” or PSU. It’s odd to me that people seem to care that much about Ohio State’s official name.

I would give you more stars if I could. As soon as I read “at Ohio State University” I began thinking up a comment that would begin with “Not to be Mr. Pedantic but...” and correct the author.

Creating tool that can potentially unlock any iPhone, turning over info you’re required to by law. Not the same unless you’re stupid.

Well... yeah... it’s new tech. You expect him to smoke the combustion of dried plants like some sort of luddite?

Pretty sure that the Atari one was licensed and manufactured by a 3rd party.

Congratulations, you caught Ticks!

Oh god, not another speedster. I get it, that’s the gimick. But surely there has to be another major baddie in the Flash’s rouge’s gallery who isn’t a speedster who can be the baddie. Do they feel they have to have speedster villains to justify them being a threat and not seem like they are making The Flash hold the

Mr Zippy Go Fast

Interesting also that fans (and cast menbers) of Agents of Shield have started to complain that the universes don’t interact enough, or that the movies don’t build on the show’s plots, even though that’s what makes the show possible.

If we’re having a degeneration, can we just go back to #10 David Tennant’s Doctor.