
Does it count that she was an alcoholic for a couple of weeks before she shook it off? (Because that’s how addiction always works on TV)

They finally realized Laurel was terrible character.

While we’re on the subject of organization, pins and custom folders for the library would be greatly appreciated. Even if they don’t let me hide those old demos and betas, at least let me dump them into a “junk” folder.

I'll allow it.

Too bad it wasn’t a Fitbit Surge so they could enact SURGE pricing

Your company is called Gawker, and you constantly cross-post articles across the various URLs. To me, Deadspin/Jezebel/Jalopnik/Gawker are simply URLs part of the Gawker company. So my comment is that seemingly every URL part of the Gawker network seemed to go bonkers with excitement over the mediocre Ghostbusters

I hate to tell you, but the fourth installment of Blade was Blade: The Series. That’s right. While Snipes was evading his taxes, Goyer was busy crapping out the TV series.

It’s legal language, there is a standard for hate-crime to be the right designation. I get that it sounds weird verbally but it’s a legal proceeding using legal language and the judge is right there.

A hate crime is a specific type of crime. It’s something you do against someone because of the category of person they are (a woman, black, gay, etc), not because of circumstance or other situational things.

The legal definition of hate crime is “attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability of any person—” with the operative word being *because*. He didn’t harm her *because* she is a woman. As an

Catwoman. Halle Berry did that movie two years after winning an Academy Award.

Marvel Studios was developed before the purchase by Disney, and Bob Iger has certainly proved smart enough not to mess with the goose with the golden eggs.

I do feel like this film showed serious progress in the DC universe production. I am now rather excited about Suicide Squad. Maybe I am just in denial too? IDK I actually liked the movie. Shrug.

Yup. Marvel seems to put their vision of the character in front of what the director wants. Some directors have voiced their dislike for this...but as a fan of the characters I’m fully on board with making them more important than what a director thinks would be cool.

Does that mean DC will start their own universe by 2025 and use whatever characters they have left that they didn’t lend out to WB? Lobo, Superboy and Martian Manhunter here we come!


WB own them but DC is not in charge like Marvel of their own creativity

Coincidentally I watched the Affleck Daredevil yesterday, for the first time since the cinema. Thank goodness for Netflix is all I can say. I didn’t know it was possible for one film to contain so much early 2000's angst rock.

Maybe next time just review the product instead of lamenting how disappointed you are in Apple adding a non-flagship to the iPhone line. Did you cry this much when they launched the iPod mini or iPad mini?