
Yeah I guess you make a good point. HTC Vive isnt much better either. They seem to have more space for glasses and allow for an adjustment to increase or decrease lens distance from your face to make room for glasses but its not the same as a diopter adjustment and its both lenses at the same time. Also seems that its

So the advice is: “Do the two things that pretty much everyone with a sinus headache naturally does.”

Fenrox’s comment was clearly an April Fools joke. Of course you’re not the media, you write for a Gawker blog.

Which more than likely is what this is doing anyway. :/

A wizard is never large, nor is he small. He takes up exactly as many gigabytes as he means to.

I think people who take issue with it see it as a step backward for the character and the series. I think it’s easy for us to feel the way you feel because our lives aren’t (on the surface) like the lives people in the 60s faced. And that’s why racism in our culture is insidious, as it is in the new Star Trek films.

I'm sorry. I thought I heard a click. What's that? A treat?! For me!!?!?

Well yeah, that’s what I mean, on American television in the 60s, obviously? I mean, it was controversial for Uhura to kiss Kirk to the point that they would rather have had her kiss Spock because it would have been less alarming for audiences to see her kiss an alien. William Shatner himself was livid that that was

On whitewashing Khan — it’s important to some people that he was a person of color because of what it says about the future. In TOS, Khan was an apparently Indian man played by a Mexican man of Spanish descent. Ricardo Montalban was actually in brown face himself to play him, which has problems itself. But, he was

I did not mind the 1st Abrams Trek. I did not like the 2nd one at all. It would have been a much better movie if they altered the Space Seed episode instead of Khan being 1. white and 2. in cahoots with Starfleet. Also I despised the whole switcheroo where Kirk dies. Spock’s death in WoK was super powerful due to the

I ALWAYS get the replacement value coverage. Not — at least in my case — a big price difference, and totally worth it in the end.

How dare she push for something that she was contractually entitled to, how dare she. I’m sure she probably was an asshole in other ways, but I’m on her side in not letting them slide on those ones.

Invite Trump to host a rally and than cap it off once he is inside.

No complimentary mockingjay pin(s)? Also, what happens when the ball starts rolling on the prequels Lionsgate want so badly to happen?

Impressed when I read this but then I remember all the dozens of promising articles I've read on tech blogs such as Gizmodo the past idk, 5 years... and we've yet to see any major breakthroughs

They’re handing out invites to people who are inactive for 4 years but I can’t get one? FML.

You are by no means a minority in your distaste for Gotham. It’s a show with dizzingly good scenes that are followed by dramatically bad scenes. It’s kind of like taking the entire canon of comic books about Gotham City, ripping out random pages, and shoving them into a nonsense order.

Gotham is awful full stop and I felt immense relief and satisfaction when I deleted the entirety of season two, unwatched, from my DVR. You are not alone.

Same...I never picked it back up after Abbie “died”. The seasons for this show should be a crisp 13 episodes shown consecutively...for whatever reason any break kills the momentum HARD.