
I’m not asking for a personal exemption. I’m saying the rule is stupid and rather arbitrary and it’s just another example of TSAs reliance on security theater instead of providing you meaningful safety.

Okay Karen.

I agree with the dangers presented in your hypothetical. A malicious passenger mixed with a crowd growing more stupid by fear could make for a very dangerous situation.

Yes. The TLDR of the whole thing was a “what if”. What if the TSA agent is a moron. What if a passenger overreacts to something that looks more like a NERF toy than an actual explosive device?

extremely similar

Sounds like TSA doesn’t trust their agents to see beyond a cognitive bias.

I think we need a tool like this to make stronger arguments for why workplace drug testing cannot be pass/fail in locations that have legalized marijuana either for medicinal or recreational use.

You think you want it, but you don’t.

I mean given Monopoly’s history this fits right in. Just the highlights but:

I don’t think Yang has a shot in hell at the presidency, and likely I’ll support whomever the Democratic nominee is. But I’ve donated to him twice.

It all boils down to stigma and costs. Those are the two biggest hurdles for getting someone the mental health treatment they may desperately need. We need to stop treating someone seeing a therapist as ‘damaged’ or ‘broken’.

Without question.  People are terrible enough at driving; they don’t need any distractions to make them even more dangerous.

You guys are defending him based on some assumption that he knows exactly where to park to interact with the gym? How do you think he figured out where to stop?

Your response to the original poster:

I’m arguing that your outrage is based entirely on a misunderstanding of how the game works. That in order to engage in the action he was taking his car had to be fully stopped.

That isn’t the case here.

I support Trump

I left season three with a slightly... more nuanced takeaway? The case of Eleanor and the rest is pretty straightforward. Taking away all the complications to the system that are a byproduct of human existence; they’d probably all have still ended up in the Bad Place.

It’s not just that she’s vapid - it’s the motives behind her actions. All of the charity works may have been ‘good’ but her motives were selfish. That anyone actually was helped was purely incidental in her never-ending quest to achieve approval in the eyes of mommy, daddy, and Kamilah.

Some proofreading is necessary for this article, which refers to Anders both as Tangen and Tanger repeatedly.