
Personally I think it’s worth slogging through to finish it. I agree though... the writers just reused this mass-murder plot far beyond where it was shocking. At this point it’s just “Oh, is Clarke making another obviously bad decision with obviously horrible consequences? Meh...”

Not really, purposeful or accidental mass-murder seems to be a pretty recurring theme up to the current (6th) season.  This season is playing pretty heavily on Clarke (and others) wanting redemption and trying to break that cycle while others have embraced the “Do whatever it takes, and kill whatever is in your way.”

Sounds like you’re taking a very broad stroke view of majority / minority and in that situation yeah, I’d agree wholeheartedly. I’m looking at a group that I would vaguely quantify as “People who would actually go and see a movie about Sonic the Hedgehog.” Of that demographic I think the outcry was pretty solidly

He’s an unearthly abomination and plonking him next to a live action human without substantial alterations would make less visual sense.

I dunno, griping about Sonic the Hedgehog seems like a pretty lame thing for an adult to get bent out of shape over.

In the abstract... I don’t disagree.

You can thank CNN, MSNBC, Faux News, and all the rest of corporate media for that. For normalizing all Trump’s bullshit instead of calling it out and then viewing Trump as legitimate candidate after that. When what they should have been doing is saving democracy by express outrage at everything he said and did.

A surprise to no one...

Couldn’t an argument be made that this constitutes fraud?

Oh the API was abandoned long before Microsoft bought it.

I’m old enough to remember when Mojang promised a proper API for developing mods and never delivered.

I’m not, but a quick search suggests that the DRM protection all iBook purchases have make porting them to Calibre a non-starter.

Every time I read about a new Kindle device the bibliophile in me squees with delight at the idea of an e-ink display for my reading pleasures. Then I sadly remember that I already own an iPad (mini) and that all of my book purchases have been through iBooks because at the time the Kindle app experience was just...

Personally I enjoy reading that chain of tweets by VideoLAN criticizing all the various groups involved in completely overreacting, not bothering to confirm anything, and instead pulling a James Holden and just spewing forth ‘the truth’ to the general public when it was, in fact, completely wrong the entire time.

This story should come off as refreshing but my cynical mind cannot quite accept that the casting of such a prominent Hollywood name was the result of actually judging people by the talents of their craft and not the fame of their face.

‘Try on a hijab’ sounds like a great way to dispel the myth that the hijab exists solely as a symbol of oppression.

Okay let’s take a moment and consider Hannity’s argument. Essentially his argument is that the message that is trying to be conveyed is that Trump and his supporters are ideologically opposed to the positions held by members like Ilhan Omar.

The Expanse is one of those rare TV adaptations that actually manages to remain good even while deviating from the source material. I’m re-reading the series right now in part to freshen my recollection for Tiamat’s Wrath and to also wet my appetite for this new season.

Okay you got me there. I had sort of pushed Season 4 out of my mind as all the CW shows that season seemed to push the same narrative of “The Hero is constantly outmaneuvered”. Flash had DeVoe, Supergirl had Reign, and Arrow had Diaz if I recall my seasons correctly.

Perhaps I associate it more to CWs writing style specifically because they have so many genre series.  Or perhaps they just overlap their writing staff too much.