My height and my love/hate relationship with my thighs has never factored into how long my shorts are. There are really only two things that factor into the equation:
My height and my love/hate relationship with my thighs has never factored into how long my shorts are. There are really only two things that factor into the equation:
A more accurate premise would probably be that more and more Democrats are starting to realize that socialism (small ‘s’) is an important balancer to the negative elements of Capitalism.
Oh god oh god I can’t believe Im about to defend Kasich but here - we - go: He was using hyperbole.
I tend to think when traumatic incidents are introduced into a storyline it’s all about context. A rape scene for the sake of having a shocking scene seems inappropriate. But a rape scene to showcase the reality of a specific situation (ex. prison abuse) contextually serves a purpose, and for me at least it becomes…
I feel that my comment is being misinterpreted, perhaps because I chose such an extreme example. The person to whom I replied was essentially arguing that the specific stimulus of an emotional response shouldn’t “matter” to the audience, because that stimulus is fake.
My concern is that you feel that a persons emotional response or personal distaste for certain cinematic choices are somehow less valid because you do not share the same response or distaste.
I feel like a majority of the people treating this like some huge, game-changing gaffe must not be from Ohio? Let me walk you through the thought process here.
The entire point of art is to evoke an emotional reaction. To take you on a journey. To immerse you.
The city in which I live bounced back quickly from the housing collapse. Developers invested heavily in building luxury rentals throughout the city and as a result (which should be a surprise to no one) rental costs have skyrocketed.
At this point you’re just vomiting out tired right-wing lies. You’re pointing out the exception and using it as a way to say the rule doesn’t exist... which is just bullshit.
I doubt we’ll ever see any moment on the “Trump is mentally unfit” aspect of invoking the 25th Amendment. You can probably split the Republican members of Congress into two categories:
Based on your other comments I doubt you’re open to any actual discussion on this, so my response is not for you. My response is for anyone who perhaps is leaning toward your perspective but has not yet solidified their position at a QAnon rally.
It backfired because you kind of stepped into the pile of shit that is discourse on racism on the internet. No one ever bothers to talk about what definition they are using.
Or perhaps Police have been conditioned through institutional racism to perceive persons of color as innately dangerous and white people as innately trustworthy?
@kenstories - I am inclined to interpret it in that way too, but the tweets have no additional context to really inform the reader if they are glib jokes, or something that Jeong truly believes.
... I was referring to the person referenced in the Tweet embedded in the above article; their handle is ‘Garbage Human’
It’s not Racism; it might be racism. That’s the problem with the word. At its most basic level racism (little ‘r’) just means ‘a prejudice based on race’. Under that definition anyone can be (and often is) racist.
you already pay a monthly fee and are tied to them by contract, why would you have to wait.
I think if we’re talking about who is more willing to coexist... the answer for the United States is simple: None of them.
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,