I guess because it’s late Friday afternoon but this essay confuses me...what’s the thesis statement? That women who are body-shamed shouldn’t be “clapping back”?
I guess because it’s late Friday afternoon but this essay confuses me...what’s the thesis statement? That women who are body-shamed shouldn’t be “clapping back”?
This too is vapidity. It may not be kardashian level but publishing pseudo intellectual private communication in a medium like the NY Times is just as vapid and egotistical.
you said jsf doesn’t get hate. he do. he rilly do.
lol trust ppl hate jsf
My reaction is based on personal experience. I went to school with kids who thought that a high IQ and good grades made them smarter than other kids and they behaved like it. (I say they, but I should really include myself. It’s something I’ve spent a lot of time working on as I’ve gotten older because I was lucky…
I don’t think she is smarter or deeper, that’s my point. I think she’s play-acting it to prove it to the rest of us. I don’t hate her, I don’t have any beef with anyone who thinks she’s smart, I was just trying to answer the question and explain why I don’t care for her.
I don’t care for her because it seems like it’s performative. Like she wants us all to tell her how smart she is as opposed to just knowing it. Look, she’s clearly a smart woman. And I don’t really hate her, but I do find her irritating. I wish young women would be encouraged to show their smarts more often, but to me…
that blush one straight up looks like a girdle imo.
Unpopular opinion: not sure “cute” and “high waisted bikini” really work like that. :/
This is a hilariously dumb comment, I think I might be impressed if it was meant as a troll.
What’s really gross is that several of the sites were commenting on how her pregnancy contrasted with her feminism. Because apparently you can’t be a feminist AND want kids.
She’s from Australia. I would fuck her. As I said she is from Australia and you have to think about what that means: she is Australian. I would, in fact, fuck her.
“Was it hard to “do it”?” I whispered gently salivating into my children’s portioned French toast.
Exactly, I think what she meant by performing pregnancy was how public persons like Beyoncé are forced (Or force themselves to, I’m sure a few enjoy it and that’s fine I guess) to be all open to everyone about the fact that they’re pregnant and give interviews on specifically the subject (“How has pregnancy changed…
Since Adichie *was* pregnant in public (at least I assume, or why would the Quartz be reporting that she sported a baby bump during her pregnancy? They link to a site that spotted her baby bump in July of 2015), I doubt she considers being pregnant in public a performance. She probably just didn’t want to go through…
It reminds me of this song from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, where she sings “I wanna kill you and wear your skin like a dress/But then also have you see me in the dress/And be like, “O-M-G you look so cute in my skin!”
Once she leaves the house, tho, the majority of the judging is being done by other women.
Riiight? The way I’ve been training in many of my jobs is having the person who left my position do it. Problem is they’re in a new position, and can’t always help me. Add this to the fact that chances are, my superiors can’t do my job. I’ll ask my supervisor, “how do I..?” “Did u ask such and such?” “She’s on…
There is some backlash against new mothers who work if they are wealthy enough (or appear wealthy enough) to afford not to. If a new mother is poor, though, she is viewed as lazy and wasting taxpayer money if she chooses to take public assistance to better care for her child.
A new study finds that people love to hear about workplace diversity—just as long as it’s not coming from minorities or women. In fact, if you’re not a white male, you’re more likely to be punished for speaking up.