R. Kelly's Daughter

Someone posted that elsewhere, but it is great!

I didn’t say ALL older ladies are anti-abortion. Obviously they’re not, the ones who fought for this and other women’s issues are heroes I salute and am very grateful to (and sadly many of them are still having to fight for the same thing decades later). If you are one, that’s awesome!

Aw that is so charming!

It kind of reminds me of the Handmaid’s Tale, where that one leader lady championed the oppression of other women while keeping all these freedom privileges for herself. These people don’t care as long as their own lives aren’t affected—sort of like how a lot of older ladies don’t care about abortion rights, since

Hahaha that’s great :) Thanks!

Haha! But like I said to someone else, I thought this was a nice explanation of a somewhat nuanced concept, especially the distinction between hate speech and freedom of speech :)

This video is on my list of things to watch when I’m feeling blue, along with videos of penguins falling.

Haha yikes, well there may be a lot of underemployed lawyers on these boards. No I appreciate when lawyers can explain some of the more slightly nuanced concepts. I myself didn’t really understand freedom of speech until law school, though reading one article is probably sufficient.

Probably a lawyer.

Nope, free speech protection only applies when the government is trying to restrict your speech. Twitter and other non-government companies can do whatever they want.

I stopped reading after the 109th comma.

Responses to some of your arguments:

Oh god why ew ugh. (The people scrutinizing her, not her) Can you imagine people doing that with say Marie Curie or even Hillary Clinton? So absurd. One of the most important writers of our generation and that’s what people choose to care about.

Sounds fake.

I am very confused why no one else interpreted what she said this way, which is the only sensible interpretation. Although frankly it’s not like she’s Jennifer Aniston (I say that in the best way, few papparazzi following CNA around waiting for a gust of wind to puff up her blouse in the belly region).

Ahahaha that was great! I was thinking slightly older TV, in Better Off Ted when Veronica says to Ted’s like 10yo daughter “You have such great skin. I wish I could peel it off and put it on my face”

I want to peel off her skin and put it on my face. What sorcery is that???

Young Amazing Amy


oh haha you’re so clever