I’m not a fan of “Trump’s got a small dick!” jokes either—the Chris Christie fat jokes are also deeply shitty. The hands thing is only funny to me because Trump is SO invested in people thinking his hands are large and not stubby, which is just so weird to me that it cracks me up every time. Like I sort of see the…
Yay! This is my PP affiliate I work for! Can't tell you how important this is. So many of these girls in AK live in such outlying areas where rape and incest are constant. I'm talking 12 & 13 years old, who would have to notify their parents of an abortion service-easily some of the hardest calls I've ever had to…
her interview with Kelly Rippa was good
“There’s a lot of ‘political maneuvering’” and “it’s a highly political decision...” More proof that reality television is the best qualification for President of the United States. Too bad this article didn’t come out yesterday, Trump could have used it.
Oh hell yes!
Wouldn’t a movie with her and Aisha Tyler playing sisters who take over their mom’s detective agency be THE BEST THING EVER?
The interview Jez posted the other day from Kelly Ripa’s show was pretty spectacularly fun. She is just so damned charming, I want to hang out with her so badly!
You’re correct! Both about my being a lawyer and about the “ :( ”!
Yikes dude you need to get a grip. And a Xanax.
Leslie Jones is a national treasure. It’s a shame that she’s being harassed because of some wayward, evil gay.
The general public misstates, misconstrues, and misinterprets what freedom of speech and expression is with enough frequency that it’s not unreasonable to take her statements literally and at face value.
Your only responsibility is to respect her enough to assume she chose clothing she was comfortable in. The only obvious thing that needs to be pointed out is that you don’t get to police her clothing or body. I terribly want to let you know that maybe you should follow that first instinct you had and keep your mouth…
And you’ve also made it pretty fucking clear that you get rude very quickly for no reason...
I imagine there is some overlap with people who have a hard time understanding the separation of church and state.
I have often found that people who say offensive shit then shout “freedom of speech!” Have no idea what it actually means. Just like they don’t get the whole book of Leviticus but quote it pretty regularly. Also they’ll never understand what it means if you try to explain it to them because they refuse to understand…
I’m glad this judge didn’t adopt some intellectually dishonest, strained reading of the statute. I’m also glad the judge who so ruled is a woman, if only for the sake of optics.
Short answer: No.