R. Kelly's Daughter

They want the local colour, not the locals of colour.

Reminds me of when my sister and I lived in Nob Hill in San Francisco. Back when I had disposable income and could afford the rent (although most of our money went on alcohol). We used to eat at this little neighborhood Italian restaurant and these two elderly twin sisters would be there every time. They always wore

I am not a fan of hers so much as I am a fan of women. I will (sometimes irrationally) defend women, and cut women extra slack just for being women because I know how hard we all have had it trying to come to terms with who we are versus what we are expected to be. Sure we could use more role models, and it's awesome

oh and im not surprised by P!nk. she’s always othered herself from “those pop stars” and claims she doesnt use sex appeal which is laughable

She won me over when she unapologetically loathed being pregnant. It was such a refreshing counterpoint to the “this is miraculous” crap that gets repeated over and over. I've never watched the show either, but it seems like Kim gives zero fucks about adhering to other people's ideas of how she should live her life,

Can’t it be both? A mistake that made her famous that she took control of?

Why not both?

FUCK these people and let’s let them lie in bed dying of meningitis and see if they refuse fucking medical care. Reminds me of my religious zealot cousin who refused to get prenatal care and insisted on a half-assed home birth but quickly raced her ass to the hospital when the baby wasn’t breathing and needed a

Trayvon Martin didn’t live in any ghetto. His dad lived in a gated community in Florida with armed security.

Our local schools had active shooter training last week. It’s INFURIATING.

If only those Sandy Hook kids had read that book...

I love her. Her show is both hilarious and painfully rage-inducing at the same time. Mr. Botticelli had to stop me from throwing the remote at the TV last week when she was talking to the human box of rocks supporting the Texas TRAP law and he was just so condescending to her even after he made it clear that he had NO

What bothers me is that she had extremely risky surgery and will have to take anti-rejection drugs for the rest of her life to treat a non-life threatening condition. I’m trying really hard to suspend judgement, but this seems so strange to me. The life of a transplant patient is not easy (see above re: tons of drugs

I totally empathize with these patients because if you’d like to have kids, the inability to do so naturally can be utterly heartbreaking, and the alternative ways to become a parent can be emotionally and financially draining.

I work in a transplant lab that supports a uterine transplant program, and I find uterine transplants rather disturbing. In every other transplant my lab supports, the organ being transplanted saves the life of the recipient, and is kept by the recipient for either the life of the recipient or the life of the organ

As an adopted child, I just feel nothing but sadness for her current children. Boy does this story bring up feelings.

“From that moment on, I have prayed that God would allow me the opportunity to experience pregnancy,”

If only there was some way for a Jezebel writer to find out whether a Korean accent is decent or not... Some way at all! My kingdom for a way to source information from multilingual people in this day and age!!!

Kelly is very open and frank, as well as self-deprecating. I read to say that NO ONE, not even her, thinks of her in a sexy way. I don’t hear her blaming Kesha for anything.

That’s fair enough. I just find some religious absurdities like that hilarious. It’s like Mormons and magical underwear.