
Ok, so, I watched this entire ordeal go down on Twitter last night. I'm all for holding assholes accountable for shit, but you only included the one tweet where he said "a million apologies." You didn't include the probably hundreds of other tweets he sent throughout the entire night, apologizing to almost every

I've never been to this church, but as a Christian I know I should pray for him and that he figures out what an asshole he's being and apologizes but I really am having a hard time.

I'm British and I never had ranch dressing until I went to Orlando when I was about 10. I had a salad with ranch and I puked (I think it was partly the sun and too much sugar at Universal, but to this day even the smell of ranch makes me nauseated).

Do French pharmacies carry a special cream for confusion? What kind of Swiss wood makes the best $200 spoons for stirring up weird feelings?

(puts hand on abdomen, laughs at international speculation regarding uterus)

Jessica, I am so proud of you for standing up for your site, your authors and your commenting community.

Wow, some row-back on kinja. Bathwater already gone but baby located.

"Did I leave a box of tampons in the microwave...?"

I love those kinds of stories. About a week ago, my boyfriend posted a super cute video of our cat chilling in the sink to Facebook. The only problem was that there was a mirror right behind the sink, and my boyfriend had just gotten out of the shower, so he was naked. And facing the mirror. He tagged me in it and I

I am always petrified that I am going to say "fuck you" instead of "thank you" to clients I don't care for.

Wow, thank you guys so much for writing this. To be honest, the mods have been dealing with this on and off for years. It's never been as bad as this. But back when we had main page abilities, we were able to remove the content alongside authors and tech. It helped protect our readers, our writers, everyone. It's

Blanda Eggenschwiler is probably also what Ann is called when Arrested Development episodes are dubbed into German.

A woman ordered beef carpaccio with aoli, then freaked the fuck out because I brought her "raw meat and mayonnaise". I had to get a manager because she refused to believe that carpaccio actually existed and I didn't just grab a hunk of raw meat & serve it to be a bitch.

you mean this

How i picture myself in cardigans:

Want to listen to her narrate an audiobook of Wuthering Heights, please.

I caught him talking about his pregnant wife on The Today Show this morning. That little throwaway comment cause a "clean up on aisle thighs" situation way more than anything I saw in the Fifty Shades trailer.

Dornan with beard is way hotter than without (almost everyone is) but, that said, clean-cut, boring dude in suit TOTALLY looks more like the guy who will jizz his mommy issues all over you and talk nonstop about his fucking contract.

This brings me SO much joy. The show was flawed, of course, but I still love it. (Notice I stopped at the show, because as far as I'm concerned, the movies do not exist.)