
The UK has just started charging for plastic bags (the princely sum of 5p) and either the Daily Mail or the Express (can’t remember which but it was definitely one of them) published an article along the lines of “say no to the bag charge!! bring your own!!!”, like that wasn’t the entire fucking point of introducing a

I haven’t seen this but I’m really confused about why he’s tweeting that it’s been 10 years since it came out. I mean, unless he’s aware that it spawned the Manic Pixie Dream Girl thing. it’s not like it’s some really important cinematic oeuvre. Or is this a new thing now? Did Judd Apatow tweet that it’s been 10 years

I saw these girls when they opened for Joshua Radin at one of his UK dates about 5 years ago and kept an eye on them afterwards because armed with just a guitar, a tambourine, and a kick drum, they were utterly incredible. I went to see them this February when they were on their If I Was UK tour and they still had

I would flat-out refuse to have those people back in my house again if they pulled that sort of stunt, particularly if I'd gone to the effort (and expense) of preparing an additional meal for them to accommodate their pickiness. That is just the height of rudeness.

I bet that guy had absolutely no idea what "skinny" meant and he'd just heard people saying it in the queue in front of him and thought he'd try it out. Maybe it'd get him a slimmer cup? Or a little pixie that hides in the foam and takes away all the calories? Who knows! What a time to be alive (and stupid).

I've been rereading last week's BCO and obsessively refreshing the Kitchenette page waiting for this to appear all day today.

That's because he was told he had to keep the perm and he hated it.

When I was in halls at uni the person in the room above mine listened to "Somebody That I Used To Know" every day at the same time, about 5 times in a row. Just hearing that plinky-plonky riff makes me break out into a cold sweat.

""Make them read the posts publicly to their assembled classmates. In a room. Live." See how funny it is then."

Left his tip, eh?

AHH I love that this is for this particular song! I remember listening to it when I first got the album and hearing the line "leave your lover, leave him for me" and thinking, "that's so clever". Because that line is ambiguous, it can be taken to mean leave him in favour of me, or leave him for me to have. So pleased

GODDAMMIT I LOOK AT THE WORD 'BENELUX' ALMOST EVERY DAY AT WORK AND I NEVER WORKED IT OUT. I feel so ashamed but also happy to finally understand. Thanks, internet stranger!

I might have to pretend I've been given some really bad news via email to explain why tears are streaming down my face as I read these reviews at work.

I don't know why I decided to read this when I've been laid up in bed with food poisoning for the past two-almost-three days, but I'm pretty sure my entire brain gagged.

That OB sounds like the fucking worst. What a colossal shitbag.

And Dwarf Racist Party Dad to the rest of us!

It only makes sense seeing as he's also got Parmesan croutons. You know, Parmesan, that famous Greek cheese? The one that's named after the region it's made in? Parma, in Greece? No?

Jealous that you got to meet Benedict Cumberbatch, even more jealous that you met him when he was Gingerbatch.

Someone who wants to get food poisoning and not have to go on a bike ride again, that's who!

Was this the first example of an internet meme being co-opted by a company for marketing? I remember seeing the original "we like the moon" video and then this advert came out not long afterwards and them suddenly everyone was talking about the original video.