Thomas Hajicek

That’s just what the mainstream media wants you to believe, man. I read an article on that said that doctors wanted you to believe in Covid because it made them money. And just had an article about emissions from solar panels being the reason for global warming if it exists which

I wonder if some perception of EVs is additionally colored by behemoths like the Cybertruck. Yes, it’s an EV, but it -feels- like an 8000 SUX.

First Gear: The media has GOT to stop equating “some dude skimming a few Google search results” and “scientists painstakingly subjecting a falsifiable hypothesis to experiment.”

Now playing

He understands EVERYTHING better than ANYONE... he said so himself:

I got to see this first hand in the professional tools business.
We made 40% of our catalog here in the US. But our stuff cost 500% more than you’d find a Harbor Freight.
We’d meet up with electricians all the time, and what do you see outside the Union hall? Toyota Tundras, Honda Pilots, Subarus, maybe some F150s and

That’s typically what they have done where I live in Texas. Seize it, wrap it in the DARE graphic, and added a decal on the back window about how this was seized from a drug dealer 

So if I am ever speeding in Irvine, the best way to lose the cops is to drive through a carwash?


“I’ll take NAFTA, tweak it a little here and there... change its name to something that looks like the acronym for the Marine Corps and say it’s an all-new trade deal negotiated by me that fixes everything bad about NAFTA.”

-Donald Trump

“Are they giving us the finger because we’re cops or because we’re in a Cybertruck?”

Since when does a police department actually pay for a “community engagement” vehicle? Around me they’re all either cars seized from drug dealers or free surplus MRAPs.

Bingo. My mom and my late dad are/were some of the biggest ‘America First’ Trumpers you would find.

“I make the best deals, folks, the best deals, I’m the best at Deal! That’s why I will, as your President, bring in yuge and strong Tariff the sick and bad USA-Mexicanada Agreement, which I’ll do, I will, it’s what you have to do, I’ll fight it and Tariff that terrible agreement, which I negotiated and signed because

Vote for me and I’ll destroy jobs and make farming unsustainable for anybody but giant corporations!

His voters also don’t want Mexicans coming to America but want to make sure Mexicans have no jobs in Mexico. I don’t think they get cause and effect. 

If you’re worried about China’s industrial power; should be doing everything to help LATAM countries manufacturing. Also not screwing their economies stops illegal immigration more than walls.

“If I win, John Deere is going to be paying 200 percent,”

Hear me out, maybe it just bricked itself.
It’s a Tesla after all.

we all know the golden rule... he who has the gold makes the rules...

Bingo, he’s going to order another “employee audit” and fire everyone who doesn’t pledge fealty to his perverse politics.

I always love these lists because some vehicle will come up that I completely forgot how good it looked before. But I have to say, this would’ve been better if there was a before and after for each of these.