Thomas Hajicek

This is exactly why allowing this kind of incremental self-driving should be illegal. There are too many people that are far too dumb to to be trusted with this.

Reminder: Tesla’s misleadingly-named Full Self-Driving (FSD) feature is equivalent to SAE Level 2 of Driving Automation. In other words, the car does not fully drive itself. I don’t know how they continue to get away with calling it Full Self-Driving.

Well, thanks for spreading your colds and flus to the rest of your co-workers. I find this idea about “I never take sick days” to be utterly ridiculous.

Absolutely not.

You’re upset at an employee using all the sick time that he’s allowed? A whopping 14 days out of the ~250 working days in a year?  

I would attempt to induce vomiting before opening the door and then proceed to hurl a pile of puke on their feet.

The former “Top Gear” and “Grand Tour” host bemoaned the fact that modern cars are getting too heavy for his liking.

If they have enough management to spare for home visits and shirk their actual job, sounds like they have too many in management.

If Germany’s labor protections are so rife for abuse, why is the average sick day usage so much lower across the country than at this one plant?

If my employer showed up at my door checking if I was actually sick I’d THIS IS SPARTA them off my porch.

Did Elon propose calling Thierig and Demmler the Sick Squad, or SS for short?

Draw a Venn digram of all those things — comfort, safety, FWD, mature, under $15K, reasonable maintenance, Colorado-climate friendly, good road-tripper — and you’ll see this baby right dead set in the middle:

Not sure what they wanted, but remoting into the server with a data connection has been a thing forever for heavier tasks... (at least since 3G internet anyways for laptops and general internet for )

“More of the EV talent is heading out than in,”

Seems like you’d have to hold the visor with one hand while you dialed with the other, which’d be pretty awkward while you’re driving.

Where have all the good men gone?” is the first line of ‘Holding Out for a Hero’.

My first assumption is that it was his “new friend” Elon Musk. 

1st Gear: another example of how geurilla marketing can trump actual facts and science...

I completely understand why new technology has to trickle down (to some extent) from the upper end of the market - because there’s more margin there and because there is less price sensitivity. But I completely agree that

The best thing for the environment is to just reduce driving. But that involves actually building out a public transport infrastructure, increased work from home, building smaller and lighter vehicles, and maybe not having 5 kids that each need to take some sort of after school activity every day of the week. Then