Thomas Hajicek

Yeah if I had known at the beginning of this year that I would be able to get a Mach-E for just under $25k and snag the $4k tax rebate on top of that or even some of the crazy lease deals latI definitely would have waited. But I can’t complain too much about the deal I did get. 

So is that some kind of excuse to be able to talk shit about everyone else??

IDK, but all I hear is how automakers are slashing sales targets on all EVs, cutting back production, and changing their whole strategy around them.

Tesla should be given an option: either change the name or take on fully responsibility and liability for any accident that happens in a car with a feature called “full self-drive”.

When drivers are operating with FSD engaged, driving with their hands in their laps or away from the steering wheel is incredibly dangerous. As you will see in the videos, the most critical moments of FSD miscalculation are split-second events that even professional drivers, operating with a test mindset, must focus

This is exactly the questions management should be asking themselves, but won’t. As long as they can find any reason that doesn’t point the finger at them they will decide that is the reason.

But if the general population with the same worker protections and benefits have a less than half absenteeism, doesn’t that say something about this company in particular?

I mean, it couldn’t possibly be due to anything management is doing... right? No reason to take an introspective look at their management practices, or how their insane CEO treats them. 

The concept of what makes a care “soulful” is as subjective as people’s taste in cars. 

Typical boomer dude... they can criticize anyone and anything they want no matter how fat, ugly, dumb, etc they are themselves.

Not Clarkson who is too busy being an angry, racist, bigoted asshat.

beat me to it!

$70-80k... and they wonder why nobody is buying them?

His wife will have to wear a shirt skirt and a looooooong jacket.

Is that the model with the hardtop? I think a guy on my street has one of those. I wish there were more modern hardtop convertibles.

My father-in-law as a red Solara and he loves that thing. I think he has well over 150 miles on it and not had much in the way of issues yet.

They’re run by a good ol’ boy system of elites who will rake in millions even if the company falls flat, so they are starting with very little innovative thought or expertise to begin with and basically no real motivation to do anything better or differently. 

Tesla’s software and integration is still trash if you have to deive into a screen and menus for basic car functions. They may be outperforming the traditional automakers, but that’s about the lowest bar you can find and doesn’t excuse their bad decisions.

People wouldn’t run away from their job so fast if the company would just put a a stake in the ground and stay on a course of action rather than starting out with pie in the sky dream growth numbers and then completely reversing course when they don’t pan out to be 100% true.

What they need to do is buy or create a subsidiary that can mange itself and quickly and more easily catch up on tech and talent without the larger organization dragging them down.