Thomas Hajicek


Mara-a-Lago’s gone, so there’s that.

Tesla owners are denying Elon now? Who do they think they are, his kids?!

Exactly. Trump and the GOP are basically a guy warning that the embrace of automobile technology poses a threat to out horse and buggy industry, so we must do everything in our power to prevent our horse and buggy manufacturers from building cars.

If I understand Elon’s 4D chess correctly (and that’s unlikely, since I’m not nearly as smart as he is), first he will first tell them “GFY”, then sue them for not buying his cars? This is how one becomes a trillionaire? 

This is basically a guy warning that if we start driving cars we’re going to lose our horse and buggy industry.

Can any Tesla fanboi out there explain to me why Musk is so bent on trying to make the completely inhabitable Mars livable and building entire cities there when we have this huge, habitable planet that we’re already conveniently living on?”

No. The only reason Trump is at ALL relevant is due to total dipshits such as yourself who think he’s anything other than what he is. And you dumfucks who fall for his non-stop ranting about immigrants are from a guttural level no different than those from the past who instead of looking at actual issues are instead

The women in his circle the embodiment of the white trash who will vote for him.  

I just wish the fucker would die already. Heart attack, stage 5 cancer, whatever. He is a sore on America’s ass. And it absolutely blows me away that somehow the race is close? What in the flying fuck is wrong with people? He is the BEST you can do? And its not just him but all of the other crazy people working for

Drumpf, as incoherent as the drunk at the end of the bar, and happens to be ranting about the exact same topics as the drunk at the end of the bar.

Assuming the unintended acceleration was the cause, just gives me another reason to only want vehicles with mechanical connections for everything possible. I’ve had a car continue to accelerate on my twice in my life. I just turned the key off and continued braking 🤷‍♂️

I know, it’s just the complete disconnect, and it used to be quieter with pointing to Soros while the Koch’s were handing out fat stacks in the background. Now they are putting the obscenely wealthy front and center while still pointing fingers at far less wealthy and powerful billionaires.

This wouldn’t even be the first time.  I mean how many years have they been ranting on and on about George Soros when they’ve got a whole stable of politically active billionaires themselves?  Hypocrisy is pretty much the whole Republican brand at this point.  Vance even added a few more than this one.   Like the time

And here we have Exhibit A today of Right Winger projection. It’s OK to be cheering for rapists, convicted felons and racist wannabe Nazis, because Right Wingers believe that everyone else is just like them. Somehow it makes sense to them that we’d be cheering them on if they were supporting Harris.

If he said was left wing you wouldn’t even feel this way.

No, that’s exactly how I would feel regardless of political affiliation. The man is a deranged menace. . Further, it should be the purview of governments to put people into space, not some drug addled moron. He is a clear threat to democracy and should be dealt with under the purveiw of the united states penal code.

Point me to a lefty multi-billionaire who threatens personal violence against the president, and I’ll hate that guy, too.

The connections with Beijing and (alleged) private calls with Putin should have been more red flags than a May Day parade.