Thomas Hajicek

Don’t forget:

“Subjectively cool”?

Now playing

Or you know, design it like other cars and have a fucking key hole that’s accessible without doing that.

One would assume smashing a window out would trigger Sentry mode, as basically breaking into the car.

The owner “didnt bother”?  Maybe had more pressing issues happening for the next hour?

Because Elon.

Good on her for valuing the life of her child over her car window.

There was until the OTA wipe request got sent from Austin.

I don’t mind slowpokes in the HOV lane - it’s the HOV lane, not the fast/passing lane.

Yup, words no longer mean anything in Stellantis’ world.

Right. How many middle fingers did he see along the way?

Corporations are people too*.

Also, this shit is hilarious

I give you this stunning POS in Neon Green! Anne Arundel County, MD...

So, about two weeks then?

$4200 to wrap a vehicle that’s all flat panels. There are ZERO complex curves or body lines to follow. This is the automotive equivalent of wrapping a boxed birthday present.

Tesla was a car company but now it appears to be trying to transition to a vaporware company that continues to pump its stock price by promising things that it cannot deliver, whether it’s a multi-function humanoid robot that every single person in the world will own, a full level 5 self driving system that actually

As if I needed more evidence that so called wall street “analysts” are idiots.

I think Andy picked the July point because that was the last article about the stock price.

How about “cult”?