Thomas Hajicek

Hell, Trump’s wife was also an immigrant, though I suppose she demonstrated some “special skills” as a model and soft-porn actress to justify her visa. If there actually are millions of illegal immigrants in the US (they aren’t technically illegal if they are awaiting asylum hearing, but I digress) and they are

Jumping a car should be a skill that anyone with a driver’s license should possess and yet here we are.  But kudos to AAAOC for this.

You don’t think a car company CEO of one of the largest automakers on the planet being a completely unhinged weirdo is newsworthy for a car site?

1. This is a post about the CEO of the most valuable car company on the planet.
2. Cars are political.

Musk is living argument for higher tax rates for the ultra-rich. With his wealth and power, he has endless self-regard and no self-discipline, turning his brain to mush. He can communicate every half-baked thought in his head to millions of people, many of whom give him credence due to his supposed genius. Worse, he’s

I can only imagine that Elon, as the son of a South African emerald mine owner, and expert in monetizing the genius of others and marketing it as his own, is deeply threatened by Taylor Swift - a Billionaire that has actually earned her money with her own hard work.


Let’s be clear. Planned parenthood just called me to see if I wanted them to legally kill my teenager, there’s a gang outside my house preparing to roast the neighborhood dogs, and I just paid for an Ecuadorian serial killer to get a top surgery. This has to stop!

Illegal buses are getting sex changes in prison while they’re in doggy daycare school!

“Unions and illegal immigrants are what’s killing our economy but Kamala hates the UAW not me

Yeah, or a bunch of thieves looking for parts to sell for things like drugs and money.

We aren’t where? The goal posts for EV’s constantly move, so we’re never going to get to wherever this magical “there” is. If you don’t like EV’s, just say you don’t like EV’s.

And all Hill had to do was leave his heavily tinted window rolled down.  Basically we had a meeting of the assholes here.

So “respect ma authoritah then?

The first thing people ask me when we tell them we got an EV is what the range is.

The fact that the company is losing money on every Ultium vehicle it sells

Probably all in Dogecoin.

GM has to make EV people want.  Part of the problem with EVs is they are too big, too expensive and too complicated.  If they can figure out how to make money selling the EV equivilant of a Honda Civic or Toyota Carola, they will be all set.  I’m not counting on it.

The Supreme Court stands by ready to assist.

and later, there will be another SS of an entirely different type.