Thomas Hajicek

It’s inevitable, so let’s just get it over with.....dumpster fire.

This is true, I also worked as a tech at a Ford dealer and we did a little thing called PDI-post delivery inspection.  After the cars were dropped off we had to go through a PDI checklist before they ended up on the lot.    The things you mentioned would get caught in the PDI before the ended up going out to the

The fact that the checklist is aftermarket instead of a checklist that’s used—oh, I don’t know—BEFORE CUSTOMER DELIVERY, pretty much says it all. And it sounds a lot like Elon telling his own customers to go fuck themselves. And/or they’re counting on their customers’ slavish devotion to the brand to make it a moot

Program the cars to always sacrifice their occupants(s) if it comes down to it. I didn’t choose to be part of this public beta testing, but the autonomous car occupants did. Don’t like that? Simple, don’t get in the car.

IBM figured it out in the 1970s.  We’ve just chosen to ignore the lesson.  Replace the word “management” with the phrase “life and death.

Subsidize the purchase of new EV by the wealthy? Or invest in reliable charging infrastructure? Government made the wrong decision.

He fired most of the team responsible for the supercharger network. Tesla took US subsidies in exchange for opening up the network, and clearly hasn’t done so at any real scale.

Nationalize this shit. Take the network away from the petulant child.

Never trust a psychopath. Not even his signature on a contract.

One grows up watching rich oligarchs in Bond movies and other spy and action movies and they always seem cool, dark, brilliant, and edgy. There is some disappointment in that in reality they are just dumb, weird and awkward.

I can’t wait until their enormous egos start clashing and these two lunatics start going after each other. It won’t happen as long as Trump has a chance to hold power, but if he doesn’t after November, look out, these two fascists will start ripping each other to shreds and it will be hilarious.

Still amazed that these two ultra-wealthy, adulterous crooks are so revered in America’s heartland. Idiocracy.

> Not to mention the frame ripping off completely pulling a F150 off a hill.

“Make Jalopnik great again!” —some weirdo who only started shitposting here 2 weeks ago.

My cousin heard from a friend that Elon was saying he could totally take Trump in a fight, but didn’t want to beat up on a defensless old man. I think this is total hogwash. Bulletproof Trump would wipe the floor with his nerdy ass.

Two rich dudes who don’t like each other but will play nice so both can get richer? That’s the most modern American tale that exists!

If DJT told me the time on those two time he was correct I would still verify. 

This is becoming a problem in multiple states it seems.

South Park’s F Word episode is still relevant today, nearly 15 years later.

No I’m saying the other guy was being arrogant and you showed him.