Thomas Hajicek

Well, now that it appears Cyber-flippers are liable to break even at best, why keep trying to enforce a financial penalty? Isn’t owning it penalty enough?

Here’s how Tesla describes the Cybertruck on their website:

Exactly. No CarPlay / Android Auto, no sale. The experience is always superior, and I don’t have to subscribe to anything.

While my wife loves her Avalanche, and the Suburbans we’d had before, I don’t think GM is going to be high on my list for my next purchase...

Sounds like everything’s fine...

This is such a massive unforced error by GM. No way am I buying a vehicle that does not have CarPlay. My apps and info move between all my cars currently and I do not even have to think about it.

Late-model Corvettes. They also shouldn’t be in 4th of July parades. 

None, because even a cookie-cutter tri-five Chevy is lightyears more interesting than the greyscale jellybean crossovers that make up modern traffic. I even get excited seeing some Boomer driving his rusted out 1978 Cadillac down the road.  Even if it’s not my taste, I’m happy to see someone keeping an old car alive.

The only thing he’s good at is exploiting founders of various ventures, then pretending to be the genius behind the curtain. See PayPal, Tesla, neither of which he founded, and Twitter et al for evidence.

All you can do now is zlither away...

“Autobots, roll out!”

Musk is the king of vaporware, and he gets away with it because there’s no one to hold him accountable. 

Although Elon is smart in many ways

Counterpoint: He is smart in exactly zero ways, he is a conman and a snake oil salesman who got rich marketing the ingenuity of others.

“Tesla not showing its tech is most likely a sign that it is so far advanced that they don’t feel comfortable having it visible to the average show goer. Definitely buy stock now.” - Tesla investors, probably

So far we’ve seen this robot as a guy in a spandex suit, then an elaborate mechanical turk being puppeted by someone just off camera, and now locked away behind glass. But surely it’s not just more vaporware to pump Tesla stock price.

Ironically, I think the internal combustion engine will help keep the American market safer from Chinese EVs. If consumers think PHEVs are the best solution, then it may negate the need for higher tariffs on full EVs.

Yea, they talk about the costs this way every time they talk about EVs, A few months ago it was ‘130k loss for every EV sold this year’, not we are down to 44k, I guess?  Such rapid improvement, wow!  There was similarly misleading coverage when the US government rolled out a multi billion program to build EV

I remember after my first night in my new house, bemoaning the fact that I had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars per day for lodging. 

Bittersweet for me. By the time I could afford a PHEV 3 row SUV I won’t have a need for one.