Thomas Hajicek

EVification of three-row crossovers and pickups is just the most monumentally stupid use for battery tech. Take an already giant heavy vehicle and make it doubly so by adding enough batteries to get it 300 miles. It’s just bonkers and I’m frankly happy to see them cutting back on this. Six figure SUVs are similarly

Stock is actual money. The company could sell the shares to investors on the open market and get $50B. He is diluting the shares making every other share worth less.

they have their side projects like Cybertruck and Roadster, but that’s not where 90% of Tesla’s sales come from

I can honestly say I can’t tell the difference. Which means other consumers can’t tell the difference. And since they aren’t advertising the difference, unless you’re really, really into telsa (like you know they call it project highland), no one knows or cares.

Still waiting for that $25,000 Tesla.

What affordable cars? Tesla says that they make affordable vehicles but then consistently pulls the rug on the base trim. Tesla makes luxury cars for the NPCs that would have bought a 328i or X3 10-15 years ago.

the single most expensive component in an EV is the battery. If Lucid is getting 20% more range per kwh than

Tesla is an AI not EV company so no problem there.

It’s not like Seattle doesn’t have nice places either. I guess maybe he’s allergic to the weather, but I’d rather deal with what is ultimately rather mild PNW weather than participate in all that flying. Hell, he could afford two homes, and just winter in CA.

CEOs are immortal unicorns in their minds

Whelp we told the cops not to do it, so surely they won’t!”

And now think about the fact someone that braindead has access to two M60's and other automatic weaponry.

I often wonder if there is a real correlation between the “aggro-ness” of someone’s online handle and their level of un-fitness for said aggression.

Even saying the name Harley Davidson makes you think of the American flag.”

“backbone company”... Right. If Harley disappeared nobody would notice, except maybe people who live close to roads would sleep better.

Yes, let’s post links to this guy’s stupid video to drive views and engagement to his channel, boosting his profile.

Harley Davidson employs around 6,500 people. By contrast, Duke University employs nearly 65,000. And that’s just at the main campus(es) in Durham. Duke Energy has another 27,000. And Duke isn’t even a particularly huge university.

You don’t really think this is about the LGBTQ community right? They’re STILL upset that Black people and Latino people have the same rights as white people. If they had their choice, they would strip rights away from ANY non-white people. THAT is their actual goal.

As a fellow lib, there’s nothing that makes me feel more “owned” than a complete stranger destroying his own property in a fit of pique over some bunch of strangers trying to make sure some other bunch of strangers are being treated fairly.

I think he most likely made more money than what the bike is worth.   I am not going to help him by clicking on the video.

Imagine being so braindead that you destroy your own property because some company that only cares about your money decided to signal to the world that, hey, maybe LGBTQ+ people might also want to ride motorcycles? LMAO. Absolutely braindead. And he’ll be rewarded for these shenanigans too because this is how the