Thomas Hajicek

At this point, if Musk said the sky was blue, I’d look out a window before I’d believe him. So when he says he’ll “prioritize longtime shareholders,” you can safely assume he’ll squander it all on Twitter, the platform I refuse to refer to as ‘X’. 

My hesitancy around buying a Tesla isn’t the retail price - it’s the complete lack of faith in the company that insists they be responsible for 100% of the maintenance and support, and their demonstrated inability to, you know, do that.

For CAFE, what they need to do is tighten the definition of a truck. If its not a commercial vehicle - it shouldn’t get a break on fuel economy rules.

You know the answer already.

Musk should put the issue of his pay package to a public opinion vote just like when he asked everyone on Twitter if he should step down.

(Spoiler: it didn’t go as he expected and he ignored the results...)

Drink bleach

If a toddler will enjoy it, chances are it will do well with conservatives.

Username checks out. 

The silver lining here is that the evil you support will scorch you, eventually. It's just a shame that innocent people will be jeopardized by your evil.

Well look at who it is thats getting upset. Not exactly the swiftest bunch.

They should sell those cars.

It’s also their outdated stagnated style, and their egotistical chad of a ceo.

computer scientists: we have invented a virtual dumbass who is constantly wrong

PT Barnum would’ve loved working at Tesla.

What?? No mention of the Trans Am AT ALL??? We’re done for... lol

Yord is one of the issues with the show.

They’d look fucking cool, but that’s about it.”

I mean, there are several droids in Star Wars who are clearly sentient and we know that they are considered property, so it’s a rather uncomfortable issue for the franchise. And I don’t know whether this is something that’s still canon or not, but at least at one time it was clear that droids regularly had their

Droids in Star Wars needs their own lore. I would really like to know how sentient droids actually are. They appear to be close to slave labour and very much second class citizens. Are they actually alive or is it more just really good AI? Which is why they are treated so terribly. Or is this allegory to slavery, or

There was a flaming fire in space in this show. I realize Star Wars was never science fiction, but... a flaming fire in space.