Thomas Hajicek

Air Force has higher standards than you do Buttercup! It’s crunch time Captain

Of all the things annoying about this guy, it’s the ‘nice try Buttercup’ that gets me the most.  May your CT be plagued by all of the common issues

People keep relying on Tesla’s “technology” to justify the stock price, but I’m still confused what technology Tesla has that other OEM’s don’t.  

It is not the first time I’ve gotten a comment, actually. Fairly common. When I buy a bunch of lumber, I’ll usually take my utility trailer, which is 5x10 and holds far more than just about any truck bed I can think of. Paid $700 for the thing a few years ago. Crew cab trucks are great at being 70s Luxobarges, but

Oh no, there goes his Trump campaign donation this month.

This must be some obscure definition of the word “help” that I was previously unaware of.

He’s also failing all of them by being stark raving insane, but that’s a different matter.

I’m sorry, but it’s simply not possible for 1 person to do CEO-level work at six companies simultaneously.  He’s clearly figurehead CEO at several, but even then, there’s just no way 1 person can be properly up-to-date on the important metrics at so many companies at once.  He’s basically failing all of them by trying

He constantly demonstrates why he doesn’t deserve that absurd $56 billion payout for running Tesla.

Just more reason to not agree to his pay package and also replace him.
I would never buy a Tesla with him at the helm of it.

That Hyundai in the opening shot better be fuel-efficient because it has an exterior design that only a wind tunnel can love.

Twister was a good sales pitch too.

While Canapino and other drivers aren’t responsible for some of their fans’ despicable behavior, they should step up and call it out.

“a deal should be a deal,” and argued that as Musk had “delivered on his end of the bargain,”

You can go lock-to-lock in a Cybertruck much faster than a conventional vehicle, which would make the lagginess even worse, I would think. The Cybertruck steering wheel has a very limited rotational range.

Even if you only count Elmo’s successes, he was already vastly overpaid. He’s already been paid $11 billion - how does that stack up? Alan Mullaly, Ford’s most successful CEO in modern times, earned $200 million in salary and $300 million in stock options for his entire 7 year tenure of saving the company from

The Ford Mustang. We’ve either owned one or known someone who has

The irony is that if he truly was a crusader about building eco-friendly products and doing the stuff to truly fight climate change — electric cars, solar roofs, clean manufacturing, etc — Tesla’s sales would probably be 3X what they were last year, and all the other businesses would be going like gangbusters. But he

Bullshit. Elon Musk is why I don’t own a Tesla. And I’m certain I’m not alone.

If Tesla wants to recognize Musk for all his achievements, are they also going to recognize him for cratering their sales and stock price valuations?