Thomas Hajicek

Taking a swim is good exercise and an excellent way to get Fit.

The dealership now scrambling to get this thing to the body shop before CarFax finds out.

In high school I worked at a wendy’s and one of the regular crew guys showed up in a brand new car one evening. Which is weird since, you know minimum wage...anyway. He did the same thing, took it for a test drive and figured he could just keep it. He had it for almost a week until he mysteriously stopped showing up

if only they could come to an accord of some sort.  can’t we all get along?

These people are not very civic minded.

It was a very good idea to take a search engine that had been so finely tuned over the past few decades that the word “google” had become completely synonymous with internet search in the vernacular, and just shoehorn in an AI replacement that was not even trained to filter out obvious satire.

Yeah... I don’t think I’d be attempting to touch the apex predator of the ocean.  Too bad the Orca didn’t retaliate or see him as a snack.

As a vote of 1, intentionally building in inefficiency seems odd to me; I was all for the idea of a “Manual” EV at first but now even things like paddle shifters seem silly. Unless the motiv units require it, I would rather the focus be on lightweight tossability and feedback (which many of the EVs are lacking right

Basic math is often tricky. Just ask Monty Hall.

Should we trust it?

It’s freedom for me not for thee

Yes you should be concerned about how a government run bridge is operated. Especially when it comes to banning a display of inclusion and the message of equality for all. When governement is allowed to ban certain things only for internal prejudices based on hate and sectarian religious beliefs then you should be

If you think it’s a productive use of his time (i.e. your dollars) to micro-manage such issues that’s up to you. This kind of thing is common and all about optics and dog whistles. Most people see that pretty clearly.

Up next: attempting to outlaw rainbows after storms pass, or at least to make it illegal to look at or comment upon them.

The more he goes out of his way to pwn the LGBTQ community, the more I think his internet history is nothing but gay porn.

Well, the new “don’t say climate change” law bans gas appliance bans and offshore wind turbines and increases the usage of fossil fuels, so he’s “solving” the crisis by ensuring Florida sinks into the sea as fast possible. He’s like the captain of the Titanic, but aiming directly at the centre of the iceberg.

Orwell was right.

the far right has made the word “freedom” not mean freedom anymore. 

I’ll be dead and buried afore I drive on a bridge all lit up in the colors of the French flag! You made a powerful enemy today DeSantis. A powerful enemy.

SO no green? Safely pass on starboard is dead, apparently.