Thomas Hajicek

It’s almost like actual life is filled with subtle contextual situations and large numbers of visual cues that all have to be processed near-instantaneously, and computers are not adept at this, and wont be....

They know it’s not tall enough to sell in America. How are people going to get to Target without something that looks like it can go off-road? 

Now playing

a truck that didn’t look like crap”

There are plenty of regional or location-specific situations like this people run into all the time and easily adapt to in a way a car never can.”

I suspect you’re correct about the buyers, but it’s another case of Elmo just straight up lying about....everything. The people who were going to buy this monstrosity would have bought it regardless of its capabilities. Even if it could only tow 100 lbs, it probably wouldn’t have affected sales, but Elmo just doesn’t

Society seems to have adapted to the pollution and car fatality problems by accepting them. It may well be a forever problem.

Besides silence and inexperienced drivers, I’m guessing that giving people cars with significantly more acceleration off the line than they’re used to also plays into this. I’m not going to pretend I’m above doing a jackrabbit start in my gas-powered car, but even in my reasonably quick car, I’ve been frequently

Trump doesn’t spend his own money, silly. He wants everyone else to pick up the tab. 

He’s adjusting the diaper. 

Ah yes, nothing says campaign donation integrity like asking for cryptocurrencies, notorious for use in financial crimes.

It’s sad politicians on both sides are trying to outdo each other ‘talking tough’ on China. The only guaranteed losers are American consumers.

1st Gear: Wait? You guys aren’t poor already??

Keeping as many people as possible in a poverty level that’s low enough for them to have to take out high-interest loans for everything, but not so low that they become a burden to the system, is the entire function of Capitalism.  

I guess it will make it easier for Putin to fund his campaign

Will he accept NFTs that are sure to go up in value?


We have that benefit too, but its not like you have a personal attorney on retainer. You have to submit your legal issue and then one or a few attorneys under your plan will reach out to provide your services. And depending on what level your work has paid for will determine the exact legal issues you will have

The driver failed the field sobriety test because he was buzzed.

The idea of Tesla coming up with a fresh redesign really has me giggling!