Thomas Hajicek

1st gear: I have to assume this guy had a compensation package well into 7 figures, but that just wasn’t enough for the bastard. People like this should just be put down. they have no redeeming qualities and are nothing but a drag on society at large.

As is usually the case with ICE vs HEV/PHEV/BEV, it really depends on the individual conditions: gas cost, electric cost, and mileage driven. For new cars it is more often than not that the HEV or PHEV may be better, but for used cars the BEV PHEV options may be better. I know it is for me. Between the low used prices

Bingo! I saw this and thought surely it only was an option for one year when they realized it would be nearly impossible to hit the buttons on a sun visor meant to be moved easily!

I remember the Seinfeld episode when Manhattan got a new area code. They all complained about it and Kramer went to the other area code to visit someone and acted like he was traveling across the country.

I’d kill to own a New Yorker with this option though.”

But is it enough to bribe Clarence Thomas off the bench?

Good lord! Do they not sell any of the “prime” models there?? Talk about playing yourself!

My neighbors 2 doors down had a Yukon before they even had their first kid. By the time they had their second and the first was a toddler they got rid of the Yukon and replaced it with an Odyssey. I imagine they finally came to grips with the reality that minivans are far superior vehicles for suburban families with

And they can barely keep them on the lots at those prices!

It’s pretty new, so there is a lot to work out. As the market starts to see a glut of EV batteries, the supply will build and demand pricing will kick in? Is it more profitable to junk/recycle an EV battery or resell it for a different use? Probably the latter. It’s not unlike junking and reselling other car parts

Are you the six-fingered man?

Keeping your current car in good operating condition and on the road is also more environmentally friendly than buying a new car.”

You only pay it up front in you’re one of the very small number of people who actually pay the full price of the car up front and don’t take a loan and make payments. That’s another bad perception problem.

Part of the marketing problem is that they are shooting themselves in the foot with other models sending mixed messages.

Even if batteries are not immediately recycled after their usefulness is spent in a car, they can have a pretty beneficial second life as solar storage.

You should provide her name so we can look up her research and see if we can agree with her findings... I assume your implying she has done her own research and come up with her own findings to stake her position and it not just rejecting it out-of-hand.

“A friend of mine who does auto plants...”

As of the SCOTUS ruling the president has nearly unlimited power. He can do what he wants as long as he does it remotely within an “official act” and even if it requires other people to carry out what he wants that can be prosecuted, he can simply preemptively pardon them to save them from prosecution also. 

He may or may not. but the important thing for him is that his base doesn’t.

It’s funny to see the GOP base cheer on these kinds of tariffs but also complain all day about prices for stuff going up. They are uneducated and have no clue that the two are directly related.