Thomas Hajicek

They know he’s full of shit about this...

The military probably paid more than the to a private contractor to scrape the man’s dried blood off the helicopter.

Yep, HF is the walmart of the tool world, and I’ve seen a number of people who, based on their American flag themed clothes and hats, are probably very much America First types are unwittingly helping keep American manufacturing/production down.

Since when? Since they bought this one!

Or a mud puddle.

There are two options:

It was replaced by the USMCA, which is basically the same as NAFTA except Trump could take credit for it.

Trump still brings up Obama, so I’m sure it’ll be the same people. He’s too old and/or can’t be bothered to remember new people.

Remember what Trump said about Clinton after he won when they kept chanting “locker her up”. Something like “that played well in the election but we don’t care any more”.

Clinton had a budget surplus, which simply means the government had more income than expense for a given year. It’s a combination of current government spending, tax rates, and economic trend that drives profits/incomes and the associates tax income. So he gets at least partial credit.

Since oil/gas is global commodity, probably not. 

Trump signs massive tariffs on China products.

Voters cheer for big tariffs on imported goods, but then complain about cost inflation which is partly caused by the very tariffs they asked for.

25 or 40 year is nothing in terms of longevity for cars??? So you’re trying to say that cars built in 1984 with over 400k miles should be commonplace on the roads today... and running on the same motor and major drivetrain components with no problem? What alternate reality do you live in???

If Musk wasn’t so batshit insane I might actually believe the general is making it all up... but being that Musk is Musk, and they are both probably equally crazy and power-hungry, who knows!

Deep sea submarine dives isn’t exactly something new. James Cameron really popularized it, and there are companies always trying to go further.

And here is the inevitable goalpost-moving. Bungee jumping, like deep sea diving, is a dangerous activity that is just for shits and giggles with no specific scientific purpose. So it meets every criteria you laid out. The activity is only safe because people believe that the companies they pay for it are doing their

So let’s say you have a friend or family member who decides to go bungee jumping. Their cord snaps and they fall to their death. At their funeral you would tell people “well, he fucked around and found out!” Or “well, he played a stupid game and won a stupid prize!”

The idea that I may have to hand over my phone to a police officer at some point makes this a complete nonstarter for me. I will always have my physical ID on me for that eventuality, and because of that, I will never need a digital version.

I usually throw some defense to the passengers, which is usually met with a lot of angry replies, but this story illustrates exactly why. I’m sure if the passengers were made aware of this and the many other issues and people/organizations telling the company this was all a bad idea, they never would have gotten in