Thomas Hajicek


Thanks. Autocorrect strikes again.

I will never get over the literal buttface of the modern BMWs. 

This is the best takedown I’ve seen of this promise, and he would 100% rely on this read of it if he won and it didn’t happen.

Now playing

You forgot “nobody knows more about insurance than me.”

This has been Trump’s con since 2016 when he had a definite amazing plan for replacing the ACA. Now he’s downgraded it to a “concept of a plan.” And dumbasses still believe him!

It really is dumb how much praise/blame people put on the president for any and all economic or other trends in the country.

the biggest nob ever to be in the Oval Office got kicked out over 3 years ago.

He’ll do it when he’s dictator “for a day”

Politicians make promises they can’t keep. That’s nothing new. Even Harris is making some that will never happen like Max 7% annual earnings cost for child care and $25k first time home buyer credits. But those are things that can be done at least partially. The government could absolutely create aa refundable tax

Great counterpoint... if you only bothered the read the first sentence I typed and completely ignored the rest.

Lemme know when those Mach E’s start hitting $25k so I can also get that tax credit to knock them down to nearly $20k.

I’m curious how your insurance is cheaper. Mine went up a lot when I got an EV, and that seems to be the case generally for other EV owners. Probably has a lot to do with the extra tech and drivetrain that basically makes them a totaled car even in minor fender benders with much lower salvage value. 

Any time I see a Tesla first in line at a light, they will tear off at least at 3x the speed of the average driver and be at the next intersection before the cars begin them get through the intersection they’re at.

Guess you missed that last story of an older woman and her daughter-in-law who got cooked in a Tesla after ramming into an apartment building. Either a software glitch or pedal confusion. Either way, a much less powerful car may have been able to be corrected before disaster or not smashed into the building so hard

Affordable, yes. Practical... not so sure.

The tech is not that new. The first Leafs started rolling out in 2010.

The biggest threat to domestic auto manufacturing is a president who thinks we should just completely throw in the towel on producing EVs when EVs are 100% the inevitable future of cars.

It definitely had an impact. Whether or not it was for the good is up for debate.