Thomas Hajicek

Well it seems pretty clear that you get your information from some source that likes to leave out important facts and insert their own biased assumptions, because there is a clear reason based in law.

Is hasn’t but there was this notion that Musk backing Trump and little things like Kid Rock rolling around in a CT would help get the company some traction among the right, but that clearly hasn’t happened. Not only has it not helped, but their sales to people on the right are actually getting worse, which is

“2- Conservatives scream that government cannot use it’s power to encourage emerging industries because that’s mean to the old industries their campaign financiers.”

Only because our elections are run through the ridiculous electoral college system that says “fuck your vote, we’re doing what we want”

Even if Trump loses he will still wield a lot of power over the GOP... unless the GOP can get their shit together and universally reject him to the point where his influence will have no effect.

It wasn’t magically turned into a felony. There is well-documented law and evidence to back it. If you don’t want to acknowledge that, then that is your problem.

The only reason they are that far ahead is exactly because the domestic automakers have been sitting on their hands, and a tariff to hold back competition won’t make them work any harder. The only thing that will get them off their asses is people leaving their dealerships for other brands... and even then its a

I actually didn’t watch the last couple of seasons, but my nephew is a big fan (wants to name his first born Archer or Mallory) and said things really went downhill, so I haven’t bothered.

That money is just just back to someone who was willing to buy a Tesla in the first place, and based on their brand loyalty, is likely going to use it to buy a new one. So your hands won’t be totally clean.

CNN said that, and it’s obviously highly speculative and great click bait.

Trump is effectively waving the white flag admitting publicly that we can’t compete or beat China in EVs. This kind of talk should be a death blow for a politician, especially on the right where everyone thinks the US is or can be the best at everything.

Pretty funny to see that Tesla is falling among republicans too.

Are we seriously not doing that anymore?”

Vance Thoughts...

Unless he is truly 100% high on his own supply, he should know full well that there will be no significant Mars habitat, let alone one nice enough to live enjoyably in, will exist before he kicks the bucket. It will be many decades before some kind of multi-person permanent habitat could be built out, and much longer

Ironically the GOP is forcing the US to cede these industries to China because they keep taking money from the oil and gas industry to hold them back. Had the US embraced these industries and renewables decades ago like we should have, the US would be the world leader in them.

Unfair, I don’t think I should have to get what THEY deserve. I don’t deserve an assclown for a president. 

“Why are we making a product that they dominate?” Trump said. “They are going to dominate.”

It shouldn’t have to be said, but given the number of Trump voters, I suppose the facts have to be laid out: