
So stay clear of your credit limit and set up autopay for your monthly statement.

“Are you suggesting I’m enjoying this?” McConnell snapped back, according to the people who attended the lunch.


“Donald Goes to the White House” would make an excellent dark comedy illustrated novel.

I don’t know why, but every one of those pictures looks like it was photoshopped to add the active president in.

Wow, Des Moines person, here. “Des Moines” really popped when reading the article.

Sounds like Umbrige’s “Inquisitorial Squad.”

Accurate enough reply. I did look enough into my bank to see if there was any value in keeping it, and ended up switching to an online bank that I could not love more. There were several times I was making over $20 a month in interest in a checking account.

“In fairness?” Nope.

Re: Cover up that chip on your shoulder & Re: Shame

Agree. A lot of republicans didn’t vote for Trump, they voted for Pence.

May Ruth Bader Ginsburg remain in good health...

I think his resignation letter made me throw up a little lot.

People still see the stand and the good christians love it.

Like... you realize that the video leak probably doesn’t hurt him?

I don’t care his policies. I want to give him all of the votes.

I respect women—beautiful women and women with value —but a woman who sells her body for sexual exploitation I don’t respect. Tell me what damage she suffered. Someone who sells his or her body for money has no good name.

You misspelled “doncha know” ;) Of course, that’s the voice I read it in.

When Lando flies off with the Falcon towards the end, I thought that I would have been okay with that. Like, we didn’t really need Han getting the Falcon this time around. It could have been a fun twist if it wasn’t until a later movie when Han gets the Falcon, maybe through something just as shady as how Lando “won”

I rarely consider interest rates, since I always pay off. But, is unreal how high credit card interest rates are - I think mine range from 18% to 25%.