
Ha. Yea... I really like my Target card, but my Chase Freedom gives me 5% back (basically same as Target) for 3 months out of the year for department store purchases. I rarely shop at Target, anymore, so I almost have to make a special trip there every year, or so, to make a purchase - same as Menards.

It’ll help you, but might hurt your parents! Also, I’ve had several friends who’s grandparents, or other relatives, have fallen victim to scams targeting elderly. It’s a big risk. I don’t think I’d ever do it unless I was very involved with that person’s finances.

My credit cards are rewards based. My oldest card has minimal rewards, but I charge my $50 water bill to it, monthly, so I keep it active.

This. I’ve almost doubled my limits over the last few years by requesting limit increases, which has helped lower my overall utilization.

If you do choose to close the card, remember timing. If you’re thinking about taking out a loan in the next year or two, having the extra utilization may help your store - plus, canceling your card will (temporarily) hurt your score.

I’m thankful I “accidentally” opened credit card when I was 18. I didn’t understand the implications/ramifications, but it gives me 10 years of history and 1% cashback, which isn’t horrible. I do just what you mentioned - use it for a few utilities just to keep it open.

Credit score is important for getting a mortgage. Just a few points can end up costing/saving hundreds of dollars per year in interest.

“We want to hear from everybody who has an interest in what happened today so we can work together on putting together laws that will protect Second Amendment rights, but at the same time ensure that our communities—and especially our schools—are safer places.”

Sick burn!

95% of my deliveries are on time. When they aren’t, and it’s something I’ve needed, I contact their customer,, and I usually get something like a bonus month of Prime or a $5 credit to my account.

95% of my deliveries are on time. When they aren’t, and it’s something I’ve needed, I contact their customer, https:/

I went to a cocktail bar the other night. Drinks were expensive compared to the normal prices I get at the local breweries and dive bars.

Look for more online banks. I’ve loved Bank of the Internet (real thing, I know it sounds odd) and Capital One. Both with score close to 1% - which isn’t much, but it helps. I was seeing decent pocket change return while I was saving up a downpayment for a house.

Thanks for the suggestion. I’d never really thought about that.

I’m in a similar situation, financially, it sounds. I would recommend you request a credit limit increase on your older cards, too. I’m 28 and have a very basic, low-rewards card that I opened when I was 18. I only use it for re-occurring bills like my water bill. It keeps my available credit up, and I rarely ever put

A lot of people are discussing utilization. I remember reading somewhere that, anymore, 10% is “good,” 7% is better, but to actually be in the super-awesome-perfect area it should be 3%. Any comment on that?

What’s annoying? Part of your score is based on utilization. The poster took advantage of using his credit card for points. If they had paid a large portion of the credit card bill before the monthly statement closed, there would have been no affect on their credit score.