I had the weirdest dream that Katee Sackhoff told me she would be playing Viper in The Wolverine. I think I've been watching too much Longmire....
I had the weirdest dream that Katee Sackhoff told me she would be playing Viper in The Wolverine. I think I've been watching too much Longmire....
While I think we can all agree that the Modern Family cast is hilArious, how happy are we Veronica Mars fans for Schmidt?!!! Yay, Greenfield! Schmidt stole the show, and hooray for you!
*Community was nominated for writing for Remedial Chaos Theory, and rightly so.
Right! AAAAND It's the Disney movie that featured the music of Tchaikovsky's ballet!!! More awesomeness. They couldn't do that today; it is too complicated to get stuck in one's head, or make clever stupid words to.
how DARE you!
They seem to have missed the point of the original Versailles: Louis XIV had it built so all of his nobles could live there, so he could keep an eye on them and their doings. Everyone learned ballet because he wanted them to. It was a showing of power and control. These people seem to have neither.
...Does anyone have a link or info to S1 of Lost Girl? I jumped in in the middle of S2, and I've decided now I really want to know what happened before I started. I love the lighting style, & I love the guy from S1 of The Tudors (also a guilty pleasure). Loved his arc then , and am intrigued by the arc now. I think I…
It is! Thank you for this. I think it's because I've been on my feet solidly for the past 2 days, & I've been craving salt, which makes it worse. This weekend, the feet are going up! If that doesn't fix it, I'm going to the Dr. for sure. Thank you!!!
screw you, kinja. I asked a genuine, lady-friendly question to this room, and it was immediately dismissed to the bottom of the barrel. I miss the old format, where people could scan a list of comments until they found one they wanted to respond to. This format seems dumb for an open forum. I"m not just saying that…
Right? I am so with you. I think that for an open forum, we shouldn't have to search for a frickin' conversation. I miss the ability to scroll. I love scrolling. Didn't they try to take away the scrolling thing before? But restored it when we complained? I feel like it took a month or something. Maybe if this post has…
I grew a new body part today. I have cankles like grapefruits. It's like I blew air into my thumb and inflated my feet. Someone please tell me cankles can be temporary. I'm pretty sure my cankles are bigger than my pregnant sister-in-law's. My mother says it's the heat, but I spend my days inside in A/C. Is it…
Wow. I think that was the most concise description of my problems with Ann Curry on Today. It's not that I don't like her as a person; I'm just frustrated with her breathy, disingenuous voice. It never felt like she was really the best person for the job, and the above explained why.
So does this mean that the U.P. is cool, and all the crap that happens in Michigan happens in the Mitten? Is that what your graphic indicates?
This is Sonya Tayeh hair. I have no idea who Skrillex is, but Sonya's choreography is amazing, and I will always think of her first when I see this hairstyle.
You know who I didn't realize I miss? Schmidt.
I thought Brave New World was unfilmable b/c of the child-porn aspects of the beginning. I'll be amazed if someone ever proves that wrong.
Yeah, but that's money that could have gone to someone who needed it more. It should be a symbolic scholarship, one that he earned, and then graciously turned down, or passed on to someone else. But since he's Diddy's boy, who knows if he has a philanthropic tendency.
This is my favorite headline today, because SERIOUSLY????! He'd better turn that shit down & go anyway. Double that, and it's my outstanding student loans, after years of payments and interest. Oh, and I work in theatre, so I don't see that number going down any time soon. This is why I have a serious problem with…
She wrote the article after viewing only the Matt Smith Doctor. As she has not seen the brilliance of the Tennant years, I see her story as incomplete.
Wait, so are the pilots called Jaeger-Meisters? I can't decide if that would be awesome or wretched. I think if Charlie Hunnam or Charlie Day says it, it's awesome. Anyone else, and it's wretched.