"a woman-shaped blob of nothingness?" Isn't she named Bella?
"a woman-shaped blob of nothingness?" Isn't she named Bella?
Whatever, naysayers. I'm IN. Baz Luhrmann isn't about accurate. He makes impressionistic movies, that help you connect to the period emotionally. Connect to the craziness and the fun and the difficult position of loving someone and the way things get out of hand. He's very theatrical and it will be gorgeous. Just…
my thought exactly!
I just..I mean..Where does one begin, here? I mean, you can't even...Huh.
Helen Mirren is the Queen of Fuckingfantastica, and this just cements Tilda's position as its Duchess.
I watched season 1, but season 2 wasn't on Netflix Instant, and I think I got distracted. Which is TRAGIC b/c I totally WAS drooling over those two. And the French guy.
When asked to prom, our 25 year old substitute teacher simply said, "I'd go, but I don't think we'd both fit on your bike." We cracked up, and that was the end of it. He was forced to find another date, and she got to keep her job.
I'm sure there's a series of stories, Ledger's Joker-style, and they use them to terrify ALL the children.
Whoever put the image together, I just wanted to say thank you for the lower-left shot of Michael Ealy.
And "Mahalo, Motherf*cker" is exactly why I will never see this movie.
Well, Hader is married (daughter: Hannah Hader. how cute is that??!) I'm going to vote for Sudeikis. I like their chemistry more.
I've decided I need closer friends, because I about LOST it when she danced with Sudeikis. Such solid scene partners. Two A-Holes At A Crime Scene, anyone?
Showrunners generally ARE pricks. They have to be, to put up with the crap from the network above them and all the people below them, keep their eyes on the prize, and produce a good show. I couldn't do that job, and I'm glad that he could for so long, but based on the overhaul NBC is giving itself, I'm pretty sure…
Ben Wyatt's okay, but I'll take me some Henry Pollard ANY day.
Chloe Moretz, I'm pretty sure that's a question posed by Linda Richman. Discuss.
Retta's live-tweeting of Vampire Diaries makes my week. That shit's hilaaaaarious! And usually exactly what I'm thinking when watching it, myself. She does Smash, Walking Dead, and a whole slew of others. It's fantastic.
A contributing factor must be that the twits I couldn't stand in high school LOVED it. We performed it & it was terrible and I was not impressed by Rick Moranis' version, either.
Ugh. I can't STAND Little Shop. I'm happy he's doing a musical, but I wish it was a different one. Since Hugh Jackman & Anne Hathaway don't seem to be doing Carousel anymore.... And I hear there's a Houdini musical in the works for Broadway. He might be awesome at that. Or something Sondheim, perhaps?
Ha! I Getty Image-searched "hazy nature" and found this picture last week. It was one of the good ones. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that! :)
You know how, in Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion, when drunk Billy Christiansen touches Michelle, right before they get on the helicopter, and she shrinks away and says, "Uuuugh?" That's how Jose Canseco's tweets make me feel. I couldn't find a .gif, but it sure is playing over and over in my mind.