Minogue’s attorneys also described Jenner as “a secondary reality television personality,”
Minogue’s attorneys also described Jenner as “a secondary reality television personality,”
My IUD is good for three more years, but I’ll likely be fertile longer. Insurance won’t pay for a replacement while it’s still functional, so I’d asked my doctor if it was possible the IUD had slipped and needed to be replaced.
He said no, which I expected, but then tried to reassure me it was no big deal because they…
We need to stop playing into the GOP narrative that we want free birth control. Under the ACA, we get birth control covered at 100% by our insurance, but we pay for the insurance. It’s not a handout. It’s simply requiring insurance to provide a benefit that the overwhelming majority of women need.
Your average Trumper is actually turned on by the idea of eating used feminine hygiene products.
Fuck that. If this the argument you insist on, then your fucking Viagra and Cialis and shit should not be covered because I DON’T WANT TO PAY FOR YOU TO HAVE SEX. Tit-for-fucking-tat.
I wish we could stop calling it “free.” It’s a guaranteed benefit of insurance plans, for which most everyone pays in some way.
Dat fiscal prudence doe.
To be fair, the problem isn’t just Cheetolini. There are no elected republicans who believe that women should have any reproductive rights whatsoever. This - and the horror that is trump - needs to be hung around the necks of these assholes from now on.
Yes. And I feel woefully unprepared. I’m broke, out of shape, and don’t have any weapons. My kitchen knives are even dull. I read an article where the writer explained that he got LASIK surgery on his eyes. Because wearing glasses or contacts will make things difficult in the wars to come. It nearly gave me a panic…
“We did not inflict this kind of obstructionism on President Obama,” Sen. Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pa.)
Well, I guess that’s it then:
These people are going to start a goddamn civil war. Y’all as scared as I am?
This is what fascists do. This is fascism in action.
Fuck Orin Hatch. Fuck him right in the ear. Motherfucker has been obstructing for 40 fucking years. He’s a raving hypocrite. Maybe this is the beginning of the dissolution of this country, and maybe the beginning of us splitting apart and self-selecting where to live and how to govern. Who the fuck needs the right…
Duckman, the cartoon that ran on USA in the mid-90s, had an episode with the premise that the cure for cancer had been discovered long ago, but the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies were suppressing it because cancer makes them so much money.
Not saying it’s a coup....(but it’s a coup)