Also, I read a news story that said he had a history of domestic violence, but not specifically with the wife he shot (prior to her), so no one saw it coming.
This made me think of Mary Barra at GM. I thought it was quite the coincidence that she was made CEO right before all of those recalls and the Senate hearing to talk about how the company handled knowingly murdering a bunch of people with their faulty ignition switches. It was like they wanted a female face to put to…
Incredibly fun squirrel photography with mini sets, squee for days:
That’s some crafty cropping on that second photo!
Waste not, want not!
John Wayne Gacy gets some of the credit, too. *shiver*
Thanks for the recommendation, sounds great!!
LMAO!!! Now I’m going to double-check every time I go to get my lip balm! It doesn’t help that I carry one of those giant hobo bags. It’s a black hole of misc junk.
LOL OMG this has happened to me!! Of course it was a thong, one of those ridiculously small ones from Victoria’s Secret that is made up of 3 strings and a tiny triangle of lace. It was sticking out of the bottom of my jeans and I didn’t even realize what it was until I was holding them up for all of the world to see,…
oH gosh, thanks for mentioning this article. Google recommended it and I admit it worried me. I want it to be wrong, too!