nuttier than squirrel poo

Tell that to the girl who was raped by her step father and was pregnant with twins at the age of 9. Doctors tolg the girls mother that the pregnancy could very well kill her daughter, putting aside all psychological harm. The mother consented to an abortion for her child, and was promptly excommunicated by the RCC.

I often say/type: the pro-choice side *is* the pro-life side.

Savita Halappanavar's widower would most emphatically disagree.

Womens' lives are valued less if their reproductive organs can be hijacked by any rapist or pedophile who decides they want to, or if an unintended pregnancy can be forced on them. Go grind your axe elsewhere.

When a mother is forced to keep a pregnancy whether by societal pressure, law or religious dogma, whatever the initial intentions, the net effect is that is her health is put at risk. If the value system is such that there is a greater importance in keeping a pregnancy then that system imposes that risk on the mother,

Duh, women are property, not people.

"Justice and equality for all. Except the bitches."

It's pretty obvious - if we force women to carry all pregnancies to term, it'll end racism. It's just science.

"Justice and equality for all"?

My dog used to be a show dog before his life with me as an official couch potato. He often does the "work that runway hard baby" prance ESPECIALLY after being groomed. He knows he looks good and even flirts. It's crazy.

My friend had the sweetest Boston terrier/French bulldog mix that either ate poisonous mushrooms or was poisoned by a neighbor. The vet, it sounds like, is 100% positive it was rat poison and I think she is hoping it was a poisonous plant bc she doesn't want to admit that any human would do that. She said it was

What kind of MONSTER poisons a purpie?

This winner of the show was a Scottish Terrier from Russia. This isn't difficult to piece together people...

But seriously. The fuck?
And why do I usually feel more grief and outrage when I read about the loss or abuse of an innocent animal than I do about a fellow human?

Perhaps if we build a large wooden badger...

I once worked at a riverside cafe and there was one particular goose who would try to beg food from the customers. I would ask them not to feed it and give it strict marching orders and as it walked away it would elicit sympathy from said customers by faking a limp. No joke. It did not have a limp, but it would put

I've never paid much attention to him, but after this article and reading all these comments...