nuttier than squirrel poo

My 91 year old grandmother died recently - married for 67 years and 80 days (my grandfather could always tell you to the minute how long "I've been the luckiest man ever") and she died in her sleep holding his hand and he is so lost and I am practically bawling at my desk at work right now so I'm just going to go ok

Me right now.

I actually used to write obituaries, and it often happens that couples who have been married/together for a very long time die within short periods of time of each other - not usually hours, but often days or weeks. I have written about couples who were in separate nursing/hospital facilities and passed within hours

Yes. Dusty. Very dusty. Some of it got in my eyes. Yes. That's it. Thank you.

this is literally all i want out of life

Mom was not coherent, but we told her that dad had passed away and that he was waiting for her. She died five hours later."

Buses are dusty, so it's OK.


Sometimes I wish my grandma had passed when my grandfather did. They were married over 60 years and still calling each other "baby". On his deathbed, he was teasing her, saying things like "How many years have we been in love again?" My grandma has always been a very bright, active lady, simple to please, dotes on her

Part of a complete imbalanced mental state. YUM.

The human mind and heart are powerful things.

The one and only Tearios.

True commitment. I'm now eating my Cheerios with tears in them.

I can't take it. I'm on a bus, who cuts onions on a bus?


Duh. Of course. If you leave 3 or more of us unattended in the same space, we also have pillow fights (if indoors) or start playfully washing the nearest car (if outside). I thought this was common knowledge?