nuttier than squirrel poo

I'm that "crazy dog lady".

Man, I do not want to meet a regular dinosaur much less a hallucinating dinosaur that is tripping balls and is going to accuse me of being a witch. No thank you, time machine, not today.

Ergotism, since it can cause hallucinations and seizure-type symptoms, is actually one theory about what plagued Salem in 1692 and caused the witchcraft trials. Women and young girls tend to show the effects more (because ergotism is cumulative, and must build up in fatty tissue, which we dames have more of generally,

I'll have to look into the Kirkland's brand. Our St. Bernard was having terrible, recurrent ear infections, and round after round of antibiotics (and vet fees $$$) finally forced me to the internet. Apparently the ear infections were a common symptom of grain allergies. Ugh. We're on Taste of the Wild for like

Perfect terminology!

I work from home!!!!!

What tarantula had to die for KK's frightening eyelashes? Huh? Tell me.

Those eyelashes are ridic. Truly at some point she will look like Snuffleufagus.

I have to keep a log of all persons taking their clothes off and enacting simulated or real sex acts along with proof of age via state issued ID and a model release showing consent ready for inspection by the Feds at any normal business hour any day of the week forever. They should too.

My feelings about Reddit limiting what Redditors can post:

Yup! For some reason the horror subreddit, the one designed to make you scream, is actually less horrifying (on a cosmic scale) than most of the other subreddits.

I literally don't understand 4chan. I internet a lot of things, but that lingo and format is If I had a son and saw repeated 4chan hits on the history (yes, I'm going to be the horrible mother who doesn't give her 14 year old a laptop), he'd be off to boarding school. It's the modern equivalent of hanging

"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of faps suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced."

As Mark points out, how this is actually enforced will be the telling of the thing. With a rule like that you can go hugely proactive or plead ignorance until they send the lawyers after you every time.

I'm having trouble concentrating on reading at the moment due to the deafening screams of a thousand man babies droning on and on about their juvenile understanding of "freedom of information."

Build officers for the Empire by destroying their childhoods with Boarding School sadism.

This doesn't fill me with a wish for reconciliation, it fills me with that cleanse-it-with-fire feeling. It's an institution which fostered and protected sadists and rapists and gave the legally bare minimum of a shit about the victims.

Sue the FUCK out of them.