nuttier than squirrel poo

I want to be the bigger person here and say, "he should not be harassed".... buuuut I can't. This asshat is the most epic level douchenozzle that he's officially earned the title, Fleet Admiral of the Douchebag Brigade. There are very real consequences to being a total fuckstick and pardon me if I reserve my pity,

"I feel threatened now, which isn't fair. Sure she felt threatened, too, but it wasn't a real threat, which she had no way of knowing because I purposely made it look like a real threat. I don't understand!"

He kept up with it for TWO YEARS?! Doesn't sound like much of a joke to me.

"In Grand Theft Auto, I can blow up helicopters and police cars and nothing happens."

WRONG. If you blow up helicopters and police cars in GTA, the police and even the army come kill you.

The whole lot of them can kid themselves to fucking prison.

Of course he's taking it seriously now that he's getting threats and possibly facing charges. But when it was Wu scared out of her mind it was just grade-A comedy, amirite?

"Kidding Around"

And he says — wait for it — that he's now being harassed by Gamergate and fears for his safety.


I know where ever she is, she really just doesn't give a fuck being represented or not. In fact, she would be heckling herself and the bullshit politics...and would just be happy to still be stirring the pot and causing trouble from the afterlife.

THEY LEFT OUT HAROLD RAMIS TOO? I was already enraged by Joan and Elaine's omission, but this is just the cherry on top of a bullshit sundae if you ask me.

When Peggy Lee passed she wasn't included in the in memoriam tribute, even though she had been nominated for Best Supporting Actress for Pete Kelly's Blues. The Academy gave the reason for her absence as her no longer being "relevant". I am not a big Peggy Lee fan, but that is some cold hearted shit.

But she was Dot Matrix! She was a movie star!

Worst Jim Croce song ever.

All I need is to eat some dairy, and there's my inventory for the next month. BOOM. Done.

I... I just... I

Both kill for God. It's equally fucked up. Equally wrong.

I don't get it either. We live in a country with evangelical Christianity which is just as anti-woman, anti-science, anti-intelligence, anti- anything that moderately benefits someone other than them. There are Muslim extremists yes, but EVERY religion has extremism. Every CULTURE has extremism. I can't Condemn one

What's a few beheadings when you have a milkshake machine?

Their milkshake machines bring all the girls to jihad.