nuttier than squirrel poo

Who would have thought that a survey from fucking Haagen Dazs would make us QUESTION THE MEANING OF LOVE???

Thinking back, I'm not sure I actually loved the boyfriends I thought I loved. I think I was more just trying to convince myself that I did because it was that or admit I didn't and break up. I'm not actually sure I love my husband some days. MAYBE I'M A MONSTER WHO CAN'T FEEL LOVE. This survey is making me question

For those that don't know, normally, it is the men that carry the coffin(s) and they are also closest to the coffin, so for these women to do so, is a major act of defiance and protest.

Also, according to some media sources, when the Imam told women to step back, hundreds of them went and carried her coffin, and led the funeral prayer themselves.

This is the cutest thing!

On one hand I do totally get it. Its hard living on the edge of society and not being sure of your place socially, economically or culturally. People reach out for things that try to make the world a place where they can fit.

I have a 12 year old daughter that I routinely bribe with nutella and internet access for the purpose of kittens. Damn. I just thought I was sick of negotiating with someone who thinks asking to clean her room= unwanted & unloved. Apparently I am grooming her to be a Teen Terror Bride. I can't do anything right :(

Don't forget your toothbrush!

This was my first thought:

Not to mention that lots of animals partake in cannibalism, some eating their own babies. It's not uncommon in the animal kingdom for males to kill babies so they can mate with the mother.

Please don't share this with conservative Republican lawmakers; it will only further confuse them.

Even fucking BED BUGS (curse them... unrelated) demand reproductive autonomy.That tells you something right there.

Now THIS is some pop science writing I can get behind. (heh) Legitimate academic sources and everything! Looking forward to more from this author.

So excellent, thank you! BUT YOU FORGOT THE CUTTLEFISH! The magnificently clever and charming cuttlefish. I keep reading these animal-repro articles in hopes of catching cuttlefish news. She is kinda my hero of reproductive methods. They do the sperm-packet thing— she'll mate with as many males as she can to get a

Good article! I like your style, Kaitlyn Tierney.

And I'm going to use this chance to post a cartoon that I think of every time I read something about duck penises:

But also a little sad. I (naively) never stopped to think that gender bias infiltrated science in this way. Maybe that's on me, but at least my eyes are open now.

I think one of the beauties of human female reproduction is that we're built to be uncontrollable. Like, you'll never know when we can reproduce, so you better be nice to us at all times. :P

This. Is. FASCINATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!