Absolutely agree! I definitely think feminism should remain a women-led, women-driven movement, and at best men espousing feminist ideals should just call themselves allies, and be ok with that.
Absolutely agree! I definitely think feminism should remain a women-led, women-driven movement, and at best men espousing feminist ideals should just call themselves allies, and be ok with that.
Hate to say it, but I agree. A man declaring himself a feminist makes me suspicious just because part of me feels like that isn't their title to claim, if that makes sense. The cause/movement will never be personal to men in the same way it is to women., and declaring oneself a "feminist" makes me feel like they're…
All of the male whining in this thread proves that it's not just the people I've been hanging out with. Sorry. I love male allies, don't love male "feminists."
While I completely appreciate your logic and that has made me reconsider my refusal to use Facebook... honestly at the end of the day, I still just simply do not like giving these companies free information about myself to use for their financial gain without any compensation back. It's bad enough that I still use a…
ETA: This was a long and whiny way of saying, I am a user of Option One, and Option One is terrific. This rant is the product of being annoyed by younger family members and those 30 somethings who are still on the FB train who complain that I never approve tags (I don't see pending tags; notifications are off, and I…
I have quit FB numerous times, and am getting ready to quit for good, not because of the evils of anyone or anything else, but simply because I do not like who I become on FB. An insecure child who posts way too many ridiculously unimportant, self-absorbed things, often drunk. I am saving
I quit facebook back when they opened it to more than just colleges. I just don't like being social.
I stopped using Facebook years ago, when I hit the age that "friends" (people I haven't spoken to in over a decade) started posting pictures of their kids. I don't like kids, and I really don't like *your* kids.
I think feminist "macktivism" is a bit different than, say, environmental macktivism, because feminism can involve more personal things like someone's own sexuality.
I'm always happy to hear men espouse feminist ideals, but I am wary of them taking on the title of feminist. One, because I believe that feminism should remain primarily a woman's movement. The feminist community is a safe space for many women but I believe it will become less so if it becomes overwhelmed by male…
I think this comment misses that feminism isn't an "activity" or a hobby, like skiing. It's not just a thing that ladies are interested in/like talking about, it's an ideology with important and far-reaching implications and applications in day-to-day life for women.
This. I dated a guy in college who, like me, was in the sociology program and read the cannon, but the more time I spent with him, the more I noticed that his general demeanor toward most of the women in our classes and our professors was dismissive. He called himself a feminist, but actively distanced himself from…
As a straight cis man (I love imagining myself saying that in my best mansplainin voice), I find it very interesting to listen to my friends discuss women's rights. Every last one of them would publicly state their belief in equal rights and compassion for feminist issues. However, it is really only by studying their…
Yup, just like Christians, "smart people" and "nice guys". If you have to consistently tell people you are, you aren't.
I have met some men who identify as feminist and are actually feminist, but it definitely takes more investigation to find out whether they really are. If it's just among a list of things they think about and value politically, I don't always find it to be a red flag. But I think you're right that by and large men who…
How is it harmless? Their objective is to get laid, all while in a movement/organization pretending to care about the issues feminists care about. It is deceptive, manipulative and pre-meditated.
This is also my experience. I know many good men who might not read bell hooks, but who practice active consent, respect boundaries, and listen more than they speak when women are discussing their experiences. The guy that walks in yelling about his reading list and his personal practices is the guy that I do not…