nuttier than squirrel poo

I feel for you and get where you’re coming from. My mom used meth and her prescriptions to kill herself when she was 50. She told my Grandma she wasn’t going to grow old and she actually meant it. Not the promise we were looking for her to keep but she finally stuck to her word, I guess. Part of me was so relieved

The boos were DELICIOUS.

National Socialist Black Metal, of course!

I was thinking maybe add it under “abuse of a corpse.”

“Domestic dispute” means “oh, don’t worry, she knew him so this won’t happen to you.” Somehow that’s supposed to make us feel better/safer, when it should alarm us much more.

SMART Car = mobile coffin. You save on funeral costs when your pallbearers can just pick it up and toss it into your grave, remains and all.

Well, hellooooo Dolly! Yay!

I am a Bernie supporter voting for Clinton because many of us can’t afford the “short-term sacrifice.” My husband has glioblastoma, the same type of cancer that took Biden’s son. He has survived - no, no, actually thrived - after 4 craniotomies within a year. He is still walking, talking, driving, and working the job

Business partners!!

I would buy this mobile game app

I think you hit the nail on the head!

This guy obviously still has someone’s mower.

Don’t worry, it’s actually more like don’t buy Fiat/Chrysler products.

It doesn’t sound good! It’s like when my grandma asked me, “What is that?” after I told her John was working on the new Call of Duty game. She thought I said/meant “doody.”


“Right turn, Clyde!”

I’m not a parent, but how could they stand to let their child suffer like that?! WTF.

LOL This made my day. Thank you!

“Fellow liberals?” No, just stop.