nuttier than squirrel poo

Wow, you are a fucking joke trying to pretend you are educated.

Oooooh, my bad, I thought you were talking about Christianity when you mentioned the “religion of death.” So easy to get them all confused.

Congrats on the new job!

Well, the rest of us forensics fans know you are interesting! 🍻🐿

LOL My sister was horrified when she found out I watched a lot of forensics shows. She was actually complaining that my BIL watches Forensic Files and that it was boooring!

Like you, I totally love true crime/forensics! I stopped watching all the time, though, because it was really ramping up my OCD. :-/

Good point! *shudder*

And the mind-fuck. That’s the worst.

I vote that we consider this evidence of the non-existence of God.

It does!! LOL so perfect for a dung beetle

They spelled “bizarre” wrong. 🐿

Actually, “Dad,” the fact that he assaulted this woman for 20 minutes makes him look even more guilty and vile, and it should extend his sentence.

Richard Simmons is an American treasure.

That’s a tall order, though. I’m a recovering asshole and I still slip up. A lot.

You think staying home with a baby is “doing nothing?” Did you tell your Mom about your feelings on this subject matter?

A shared restroom out in the hall across from the elevators in a plain ol’ business building? I’m not talking about a medical office building. I’m talking about Sherry from the Insurance Agency waiting to use the same facility from which my husband is exiting with his urine specimen.

I really feel for Mr. Dead-in-Bed. I actually ended up marrying the man with whom I was sexually incompatible. It seems so easy to believe that sex isn’t that important, especially if everything else is working. And everything else was pretty perfect - we were best friends! We were also heavily into BDSM, both as

Does her fancy dentist have a restroom in his own office? I was just wondering because the doctor I took my husband to for his pre-op appt had to get a key from the front desk and go to a bathroom in the hallway of the building. Beverly Hills is a fucking joke.

I think we may have met on Chicago Transit at some point 🚈🐿